Point of View Column – Rapid maxillary expansion: a controversial technique or revolutionary advance in orthodontics?

Point of View Column – Rapid maxillary expansion: a controversial technique or revolutionary advance in orthodontics?

Vol. 16 – Number 62 – 2023 Point of View Column Page 8-11 Rapid maxillary expansion: a controversial technique or revolutionary advance in orthodontics? Orlando Tanaka1 Gerson Luiz Ulema Ribeiro2 Gil Guilherme Gasparello3 Carlos Henrique Camilo Marchesan4 Matheus Melo Pithon5 Introduction Rapid maxillary expansion (RME), also known as lateral maxillary expansion by separating the midpalatal […]

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Column Orthodontics and Ideas – Correction of dental midline deviation with the aid of skeletal anchorage and unilateral extraction – case report

Column Orthodontics and Ideas – Correction of dental midline deviation with the aid of skeletal anchorage and unilateral extraction – case report

Vol. 16 – Number 62 – 2023 Column Orthodontics and Ideas Page 12-19 Correction of dental midline deviation with the aid of skeletal anchorage and unilateral extraction – case report Ney Tavares Lima Neto1 Guaracy Lyra da Fonseca Junior2 Fadja Dayana Alves da Silva Oliveira3 Gurgiane Rodrigues Gurgel Lessa4 Mauro Emanuel Costa de Melo5 Priscila […]

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O impacto dos defeitos de esmalte no planejamento ortodôntico

O impacto dos defeitos de esmalte no planejamento ortodôntico

Vol. 16 – Number 62 – 2023 Case report Page 22-29 The impact of enamel defects on orthodontic planning Ary Santos-Pinto¹ Kasandra Yupanqui² Lourdes Santos-Pinto³ Abstract The decision to extract permanent teeth to solve orthodontic problems considers, in addition to the extraction itself, other factors, and among them are the clinical characteristics of the enamel […]

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Biomechanical limitations of clear aligners – posterior teeth

Biomechanical limitations of clear aligners – posterior teeth

Vol. 16 – Number 62 – 2023 Case report Page 31-37 Biomechanical limitations of clear aligners – posterior teeth Weber José da Silva Ursi¹ Murilo Matias² Abstract In recent years, an increasing number of adult patients are seeking orthodontic treatment and have expressed a desire for esthetic and comfortable alternatives to conventional fixed appliances. The […]

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Asymmetric extractions for the treatment of asymmetric Class II malocclusion with anterior opening and posterior crossing and large superior midline deviation – case report

Asymmetric extractions for the treatment of asymmetric Class II malocclusion with anterior opening and posterior crossing and large superior midline deviation – case report

Vol. 16 – Number 62 – 2023 Case report Page 58-69 Asymmetric extractions for the treatment of asymmetric Class II malocclusion with anterior opening and posterior crossing and large superior midline deviation – case report Matheus Melo Pithon¹ Orlando Motohiro Tanaka² Abstract The aim of this article was to report the orthodontic treatment of an […]

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Treatment of Class II malocclusion through upper distalization with ClearCorrect aligners

Treatment of Class II malocclusion through upper distalization with ClearCorrect aligners

Vol. 16 – Number 62 – 2023 Case report Page 70-79 Treatment of Class II malocclusion through upper distalization with ClearCorrect aligners Roberto Hideo Shimizu1 Priscila Silva Vieira2 Beatriz Almeida Shimizu3 Ana Cláudia M. Melo Toyofuku4 Isabela Almeida Shimizu5 Abstract The second more prevalent Angle’s malocclusion on the population is Class II. Among the continuously […]

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Apicotomy – the last frontier for ankylosed impacted canine traction

Apicotomy – the last frontier for ankylosed impacted canine traction

Vol. 16 – Number 62 – 2023 Case report Page 80-88 Apicotomy – the last frontier for ankylosed impacted canine traction Orlando Tanaka1 Eustáquio Araújo2 Matheus Melo Pithon3 Giovani Ceron Hartmann4 Gil Guilherme Gasparello4 Abstract The aim of this study was to describe an Angle Class I malocclusion with both impacted maxillary canines and orthodontic-surgical […]

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Williams expander: step-by-step procedures

Williams expander: step-by-step procedures

Vol. 16 – Number 62 – 2023 Na Visão D’elas Page 90-96 Williams expander: step-by-step procedures Daniela Garib1 Henrique Campos Eto2 Beatriz Quevedo3 Luiz Sergio Vieira4 Ana Cláudia de Castro Ferreira Conti5 Abstract Mild to moderate crowding in the mixed dentition can be treated with rapid maxillary expansion (RME) associated with dentoalveolar expansion of the […]

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Comparison of torque expression between aesthetic and conventional nickel wires

Comparison of torque expression between aesthetic and conventional nickel wires

Vol. 16 – Number 62 – 2023 Na Visão D’elas Page 97-105 Comparison of torque expression between aesthetic and conventional nickel wires Leniana Santos Neves1 Isadora de Oliveira Silvares2 Rodrigo Hermont Cançado1 Vicente Tadeu Lopes Buono3 Esdras de Campos França4 Abstract The purpose of this study was to compare the torque magnitude of aesthetic and […]

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