Fullscience / Rules for Publishing Articles


The magazine Full Dentistry in Science’s mission is to disseminate the scientific and technological advances achieved by the dental community, respecting quality indicators. Its main objective is to publish researches, clinical cases, systematic reviews, presentation of new techniques, brief communications and current events. Regional articles are not accepted.

Mails can be sent to:

Editora Plena Ltda
Rua Janiópolis, 245 – Cidade Jardim – CEP: 83035-100 – São José dos Pinhais/PR
Tel.: (41) 3081-4052 E-mail: [email protected]

General Rules:
Papers submitted for publication must be unpublished, and their simultaneous submission to another periodical, whether national or international, is not permitted. The Full Dentistry in Science magazine reserves the entire copyright of the published works, including translation, allowing, however, its subsequent reproduction as a transcript with due source citation.
The concepts affirmed in the published works are the responsibility of the authors, not necessarily reflecting the opinion of the Editor-in-Chief or Editorial Board.
Editora Plena does not guarantee or endorse any product or service advertised in this publication or claim made by its respective manufacturers. Each reader must determine whether to act according to the information contained in this publication. Full Dentistry in Science or the sponsoring companies will not be liable for any damages arising from the publication of erroneous information.
The lead author will receive a bundle of the number in which his work is published. Additional copies, if requested, will be provided, and costs will be passed according to prevailing values.

Full Dentistry in Science uses the Publication Management System (SGP), an online submission and evaluation system.
– To submit articles, access the site: www.editoraplena.com.br;
– Select the Full Dentistry Journal in Science, then click on “online submission”.
– For submission of articles it is necessary to have the data of all authors (maximum of six per article), such as: Full name, e-mail, title (maximum of two per author) and contact telephone number. Without this data the submission will be blocked.
Your article should contain the following topics:

1. Title page
– Must contain title in Portuguese and English, abstract, abstract, descriptors and descriptors.

2. Abstract
– The structured abstracts, in Portuguese and English, must have a maximum of 250 words in each version;
– Should contain the proposition of the study, method (s) used, the primary results and brief report of what the authors concluded of the results, in addition to the clinical implications;
– They must be accompanied by 3 to 5 descriptors, also in Portuguese and English, which must be adequate according to MeSH / DeCS.

3. Text
– The text should be organized in the following sections: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References and Legends of the figures;
– The text must have a maximum of 5,000 words, including figure captions, abstract, abstract and references;
– The figures must be sent in separate files (see topic 4);
– Also insert the captions of the figures in the body of the text to guide the final assembly of the article.

4. Figures
– Digital images must be in JPEG or TIFF format, at least 7 cm wide and 300 dpi resolution. Low quality images, which do not meet the requested recommendations, can determine the refusal of the article;
– The images must be sent in independent files, according to the sequence of the system;
– All figures should be cited in the text;
– Maximum number of 45 images per article;
– The figures should be named (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) according to the sequence presented in the text;
– All images must be unpublished. If they have already been published in other works, it is necessary to authorize / release the Publisher in question.

5. Tables / Strokes and Graphs
– The tables should be self-explanatory and should complement and not duplicate the text;
– They must be numbered with Arabic numerals, in the order in which they are mentioned in the text;
– Each table should receive a brief title that expresses its content;
– If a table has been previously published, include a footnote giving credit to the original source;
– Send the tables as a text file and not as a graphic element (non-editable image);
– Traces must be done digitally;
– The graphics should be sent in image format and in high resolution.

6. Ethics Committees
– The article should, if applicable, refer to the opinion of the Ethics Committee.
– The Full Dentistry in Science Magazine supports the clinical trial registration policies of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), recognizing the importance of these initiatives for the international registration and dissemination of clinical trials with open access. Therefore, clinical trial articles that have received an ISRCTN identification number in one of the clinical trial records validated by the criteria established by the WHO and the ICMJE will only be accepted for publication. WHO defines Clinical Trials as “any research study that prospectively designates human participants or groups of humans for one or more health-related interventions to evaluate health outcomes and outcomes. Interventions include, but are not limited to, drugs, cells and other biological products, surgical procedures, radiological procedures, devices, behavioral treatments, changes in the care process, preventive care, etc. ”
To register the Clinical Trial, access one of the following addresses:
Register at Clinicaltrials.gov
URL: http://prsinfo.clinicaltrials.gov/
Registration in the International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN)
URL: http://www.controlled-trials.com
Other issues will be resolved by the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board.

7.1. Alphanumeric:
– An author: Silva23 (2010)
– Two authors: Silva; Carvalho25 (2010)
– Three authors or more: Silva et al.28 (2010)

7.2. Examples of citation:

1. When the author is quoted in the context:
Example: “Nóbrega8 (1990) stated that the pediatric dentist is generally the first to observe the lack of space in the mixed dentition and has free play in Angle Class I cases with marked negative discrepancy”

2. – When not mentioned the name of the author use only the superscript numbering:
Example: “In order to achieve the desired tooth movement in the retracting phase, it is important that the orthodontic devices used have a low load / deflection ratio, high / constant moment / force ratio and still have a reasonable range of activation1”

8. References
– All articles cited in the text must be included in the bibliographic references;
– All bibliographical references must be cited in the text;
– The references must be identified in the text in superscript numbers and numbered according to the bibliographical references at the end of the article, which should be arranged in alphabetical order;
– The abbreviations of journal titles should be normalized according to the publications “Index Medicus” and “Index to Dental Literature”.
– The accuracy of the references is the responsibility of the authors. They must contain all the data necessary for their identification;
– References should be presented at the end of the text in accordance with the Vancouver
– The limit of 35 references should not be exceeded.

Use the following examples:

Articles with up to six authors
Simplício AHM, Bezerra GL, Moura LFAD, Lima MDM, Moura MS, Pharoahi M. Evaluation of the knowledge of ethics and legislation applied in the orthodontic clinic. Orthod Magazine. Sci. Pract. 2013; 6 (22): 164-169

Articles with more than six authors
Parkin DM, Clayton D, Black, RJ, Masuyer E, Friedl HP, Ivanov E, et al. Childhood – leukemia in Europe after Chernobyl: 5 years follou-up. Br J Cancer.1996; 73: 1006-1012.

Book chapter
Verbeeck RMH. Minerals in human enamel and dentin.ln: Driessens FCM, Woltgens JHM, editors. Tooth development and caries. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1986. p. 95-152.

Dissertation, thesis and work of conclusion of course
ARAGON, HDN, GLASS IONOMER SOLUBILITY. Dissertation (Master degree) Faculty of Dentistry of Bauru of the University of São Paulo. Bauru, SP; 1995 70p.

Electronic format
Camargo ES, Oliveira KCS, Ribeiro JS, Knop LAH. Adhesive strength after gluing and bracket collection: an in vitro study. In: XVI Seminar of scientific initiation and X shows of research; 2008 nov. 11-12; Curitiba, Paraná: PUCPR; 2008. Available at: http://www2.pucpr.br/reol/index.php/PIBIC2008?dd1=2306&dd99=view

9. Digital proofs
– The digital proof will be sent to the corresponding author of the article by email in PDF format for final approval;
– The author will analyze all the content, such as: text, tables, figures and subtitles, with a period of up to 72 hours for the return of the duly corrected material, if necessary.
– If there is no return of proof in 72 hours, the Editor-in-Chief will consider the present version as the final.
– The inclusion of new authors is not allowed at this stage of the publication process.

10. Letter of Submission

Title of the article:_________________________________________________________________________________




The undersigned author (s) submits the work titled above to Full Dentistry in Science to be published, I declare (we) to agree that the copyright for said work becomes exclusive property of Full Dentistry in Science from the date of its submission, and any total or partial reproduction is prohibited in any other part or means of disclosure of any nature, without the prior and necessary authorization being requested and obtained together Full Dentistry in Science . In the event that the work is not accepted, the transfer of copyright will be automatically revoked and Full Dentistry in Science will return the work. I further declare that it is an original work, and that its content was not or is being considered for publication in another magazine, whether in print or electronic format. I agree with the journal’s copyrights on it and with the rules described above, with full responsibility for the information contained in the article, as well as for ethical issues.

Date: ___ / ___ / ___

Name of authors



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