Practical guide to inhouse aligner fabrication – Part 2: Planning and Staging

Practical guide to inhouse aligner fabrication – Part 2: Planning and Staging

Vol. 16 – Number 62 – 2023 Aligners Page 119-130 Practical guide to inhouse aligner fabrication – Part 2: Planning and Staging Bernardo Quiroga Souki¹ Gabriel Maia Azevedo² Raiane Machado Maia² Lílian Dayse Fróes Tavares³ Carlo Bosoni4 Abstract Orthodontic movements with in-house aligners entail specific details and nuances that distinguish them from traditional multi-bracket orthodontic […]

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Use of PowerScope to enhance Class II treatment with Invisalign

Use of PowerScope to enhance Class II treatment with Invisalign

Vol. 16 – Number 62 – 2023 Alinhadores Page 131-143 Use of PowerScope to enhance Class II treatment with Invisalign Alexandre Moro1 Fernanda Harumi Oku Prochnow2 Stéffany dos Anjos Francisco3 Eduardo Duarte Caleme4 Cauby Maia Chaves Junior5 Francielle Topolski6 Abstract Correcting a Class II molar relationship in an adult patient is not an easy task. […]

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