HUGO NAGEM TIPS – A successful company focuses on customer success

HUGO NAGEM TIPS – A successful company focuses on customer success

Vol. 13 – Number 51 – 2022 HUGO NAGEM TIPS Page 4 A successful company focuses on customer success Customer success is about making sure that the customer enjoys all the transformations he sought when he bought your product or hired your service, and also delivering to him something more that he didn’t even know […]

MARKETING MANAGEMENT COLUMN – Price X Value: Would you buy what you’re selling?

MARKETING MANAGEMENT COLUMN – Price X Value: Would you buy what you’re selling?

Vol. 13 – Number 51 – 2022 MARKETING MANAGEMENT COLUMN Page 5 Price X Value: Would you buy what you’re selling? Prof. Dr. Sandro Henrique Batista Santos • Specialist in Orthodontics – Uningá/PR; • Master in Dentistry / Orthodontics – Uningá/PR; • Doctor in Dentistry / Dental Materials – UFPel/RS; • Orthodontics Specialization Coordinator – […]

LEGAL DENTISTRY COLUMN – The difference between the course that offers the title of specialist compared to the short courses in the legal sphere

LEGAL DENTISTRY COLUMN – The difference between the course that offers the title of specialist compared to the short courses in the legal sphere

Vol. 13 – Number 51 – 2022 LEGAL DENTISTRY COLUMN Page 6 The difference between the course that offers the title of specialist compared to the short courses in the legal sphere Prof. Roberley Araújo Assad – MSc PhD, Dental Surgeon CRO/PR-7497 – Graduation Professor and Coordinator of Post-Graduation in Orthodontics – Cescage/Ponta Grossa; – […]

GROIS COLUMN – Digital work flow on planning a horizontal ridge augmentation using Screw tentpole technique

GROIS COLUMN – Digital work flow on planning a horizontal ridge augmentation using Screw tentpole technique

Vol. 13 – Number 51 – 2022 GROIS COLUMN Page 8-14 Digital work flow on planning a horizontal ridge augmentation using Screw tentpole technique Gabriel Albuquerque Guillen¹ Moacyr Tadeu Vicente Rodrigues¹ Felipe Germoglio Cardoso Macêdo² Claudio Ferreira Nóia³ ABSTRACT New technologies have been applied to bone reconstruction treatment planning in dental implants, confirmed by the […]

INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY COLUMN – Page 16-19 The use of bovine pericardium collagen membrane to increase mucosal volume in implant reopening surgeries

INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY COLUMN – Page 16-19 The use of bovine pericardium collagen membrane to increase mucosal volume in implant reopening surgeries

Vol. 13 – Number 51 – 2022 INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY COLUMN Page 16-19 The use of bovine pericardium collagen membrane to increase mucosal volume in implant reopening surgeries Fábio Shiniti Mizutani¹ Soft tissue thickness in the alveolar ridge expresses an essential role in the functional and esthetic development of the prosthetic emergence profile of dental […]

JAQUES COLUMN – Coronal flap repositioning to cover multiple gingival recessions using a three-dimensional collagen matrix associated with enamel derived matrix proteins – case series

JAQUES COLUMN – Coronal flap repositioning to cover multiple gingival recessions using a three-dimensional collagen matrix associated with enamel derived matrix proteins – case series

Vol. 13 – Number 51 – 2022 JAQUES COLUMN Page 20-26 Coronal flap repositioning to cover multiple gingival recessions using a three-dimensional collagen matrix associated with enamel derived matrix proteins – case series Flavia Sukekava¹ Julia Helena Luiz² Jaques Luiz³ ABSTRACT Gingival recession is the generic term that means exposure of the teeth root surface. […]

Rehabilitation of absorbed mandible with implants placed through an intra bone tooth near anatomical structure – case report with 5-year follow-up

Rehabilitation of absorbed mandible with implants placed through an intra bone tooth near anatomical structure – case report with 5-year follow-up

Vol. 13 – Number 51 – 2022 IMPLANT DENTISTRY NOTEBOOK Case report Page 40-44 Rehabilitation of absorbed mandible with implants placed through an intra bone tooth near anatomical structure – case report with 5-year follow-up Vinícius Fabris¹ Lara Dotto² Atais Bacchi¹ ABSTRACT Alveolar resorbed bone near to noble anatomical structures has been a challenge to […]

Oral rehabilitation from an interdisciplinary approach

Oral rehabilitation from an interdisciplinary approach

Vol. 13 – Number 51 – 2022 IMPLANT DENTISTRY NOTEBOOK Case report Page 45-50 Oral rehabilitation from an interdisciplinary approach Tiago Messias Cardoso Batista¹ Cibelle Dutra Raiol¹ Adan Lucas Pantoja de Santana¹ Edson D’Agnoluzzo Filho² Aladim Gomes Lameira³ ABSTRACT Rehabilitation Implantology can be a safe alternative for solving complex cases, especially when working in an […]

Late treatment of mandibular symphysis fracture by extraoral approach – case report

Late treatment of mandibular symphysis fracture by extraoral approach – case report

Vol. 13 – Number 51 – 2022 IMPLANT DENTISTRY NOTEBOOK Case report Page 51-55 Late treatment of mandibular symphysis fracture by extraoral approach – case report Henry Mcarter Senra Almeida¹ Rafael Drummond Rodrigues² Andressa Teixeira Martiniano da Rocha² Elias Almeida dos Santos² Alana Del’Arco Barboza² Samario Cintra Maranhão³ ABSTRACT Fractures in the mandibular symphysis region […]

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