Special Editorial – Tribute to Dr. Guilherme Janson

Special Editorial – Tribute to Dr. Guilherme Janson

On July 30th our Guru, Professor Doctor Guilherme Janson left us prematurely. The Ortho Science magazine could not fail to pay tribute to the greatest Brazilian orthodontic researcher and frequent contributor to the magazine. Three people very close to Dr. Guilherme were invited to write this tribute. As a former student and personal friend I […]

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How to column – Analysis of a virtual model in using free software

How to column – Analysis of a virtual model in using free software

Vol. 14 – Number 55 – 2021 How to column Page 10-18 Analysis of a virtual model in using free software Carolina Pelágio Maués Casagrande1 Diego Junior da Silva Santos2 David Silveira Alencar3 José Augusto Mendes Miguel4 Abstract Virtual models have been increasingly used by clinicians. Thus, there is a need for softwares that allows […]

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Point of View Column – Diagnostic Set-Up in Orthodontics. Do the basic principles continue in the digital age?

Point of View Column – Diagnostic Set-Up in Orthodontics. Do the basic principles continue in the digital age?

Vol. 14 – Number 55 – 2021 Point of View Column Page 19-22 Diagnostic Set-Up in Orthodontics. Do the basic principles continue in the digital age? Sergio Luiz Mota Júnior1 Daniela Gomes de Rezende Azevedo2 Ariel Adriano Reyes3 Fernando Augusto Casagrande4 Orlando Tanaka5 Introduction Model digitalization, intraoral scanning, digital planning and three-dimensional (3D) impression are […]

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Column Orthodontics and Ideas – Hybrid orthodontic treatment with association of 3D-BOT techniques and digital aligners – case report

Column Orthodontics and Ideas – Hybrid orthodontic treatment with association of 3D-BOT techniques and digital aligners – case report

Vol. 14 – Number 55 – 2021 Column Orthodontics and Ideas Page 23-29 Hybrid orthodontic treatment with association of 3D-BOT techniques and digital aligners – case report Ney Tavares Lima Neto1 Guaracy Lyra da Fonseca Junior1 Mateus Varela de Melo Oliveira2 Gurgiane Rodrigues Gurgel Cavalcante3 Cristina Harrop Duarte Ribeiro4 Luana Siqueira Ribeiro5 Absctract Over the […]

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Distalization of lower teeth for the treatment of Class III malocclusion with the aid of temporary anchorage devices – case report

Distalization of lower teeth for the treatment of Class III malocclusion with the aid of temporary anchorage devices – case report

Vol. 14 – Number 55 – 2021 Case report Page 46-54 Distalization of lower teeth for the treatment of Class III malocclusion with the aid of temporary anchorage devices – case report Rafael Coutinho Silva1 Stéffany dos Anjos Francisco2 Cauby Maia Chaves Junior3 Francielle Topolski4 Alexandre Moro5 Abstract This article describes the orthodontic treatment of […]

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Inmediate Complete Anterior Guidance (ICAG)

Inmediate Complete Anterior Guidance (ICAG)

Vol. 14 – Number 55 – 2021 Case report Page 67-74 Inmediate Complete Anterior Guidance (ICAG) Salvador Romero Triana¹ Abstract The Anterior Guide is something very important in the final result of our patients, in Orthodontics and Dentistry. It has an immediate effect at the level of lifting muscles when the movement of protrusive and […]

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Motricity of masticatory muscles in patients in treatment for obstructive sleep apnea with a mandibular advancement splint – pilot study

Motricity of masticatory muscles in patients in treatment for obstructive sleep apnea with a mandibular advancement splint – pilot study

Vol. 14 – Number 55 – 2021 Original article Page 82-86 Motricity of masticatory muscles in patients in treatment for obstructive sleep apnea with a mandibular advancement splint – pilot study Marilene de Oliveira Trindade¹ Jorge Machado Caram² Kivo de Souza Pessoa³ Abstract Co-activation of the genioglossus, lateral pterygoid and masseter muscle occurs after an […]

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