HUGO NAGEM TIPS – It’s not what you say, but how you say it

HUGO NAGEM TIPS – It’s not what you say, but how you say it

Vol. 13 – Number 50 – 2022


Page 4
It’s not what you say, but how you say it

Did you know that 93% of your communication is Non-Verbal, that is, your tone of voice, your features, gestures, clothing, tattoos, and more communicate much more than your verbal language, which is the words you hear and write.

Often, because of the misalignment of our thoughts with our language, our communication is flawed and full of noise. This happens all the time, because you will always be reacting more to events in your past than to reality itself.

Your first reaction will emerge from your unconscious, that’s right. Your unconscious brain is permanently passing a kind of radar to confront your perceptions at the moment, that is, everything you are seeing, hearing and feeling, with all the content that your unconscious has stored during your life of everything you have seen, heard and felt.
your unconscious has stored during your life of everything you have seen, heard, and felt.

This is why you often react in a disorganized way, incongruent with your present thoughts, because what happened was that the unconscious brain brought the first information that was in its hand at that moment, and then, with your conscious brain, you realize that you could have acted in a more assertive, calm and serene way.

“Disorganized thoughts reflect in disorganized actions”

The amount of information with which we are bombarded daily, whether by TV, radio, magazines, newspapers and especially the internet and social networks, brings much, much noise to our minds, causing all your knowledge and solutions to be buried by shallow information that only generates noise and anxiety.

Realize what you have been feeding your mind with? What you “consume” of information in the first minutes of your day, will be what your mind will ask you, relentlessly, throughout the day. Choose your contents better. The reflection is?

What you have seen, heard, and even felt, is moving you away from or closer to your goals and plans?

How are you behaving when facing challenges and obstacles that appear in your life?

Have you allowed yourself to live in the “autopilot” of your emotions or have you controlled yourself, thinking about how you can do something different so that it doesn’t happen anymore and doesn’t dominate your thoughts and emotions?

Think about it!

Stay with God, big kiss in the heart and #lifethatgoeson

Hugo Nagem

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