FINANCIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT COLUMN – Financial management, organization and marketing of the dental office

FINANCIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT COLUMN – Financial management, organization and marketing of the dental office

Vol. 11 – Number 44 – 2020


Page 7-14
Financial management, organization and marketing of the dental office

Renato Barcellos Rédua1
Jordanna Guedes de Amorim2
Lilian de Fátima Guedes de Amorim3
Paulo César Barbosa Rédua4

The contemporary Dentistry requires services of hight technical quality combined with knowledge about organization, financial management, and marketing. Thus, it is important to develop an entrepreneurial profile and know management strategies to achieve success in reducing costs and increasing productivity, without detriment of the final product executed1,2. Our objective in this article is to present a model of organization, marketing, and financial management guidance guided by ethical and technical standards.

Descriptors: Health management, Dental Economics, Dentistry.

1 Dr. in Pediatric Dentistry, Me. and Esp. in Orthodontics, Prof. of Children’s Clinic – Multivix College.
2 Doctoral student in Health Sciences, Me. in Health Sciences and Sp. in Pediatric Dentistry.
3 Dr. in Health Sciences, Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry, Professor of Pediatric Dentistry.
4 Prof. Dr. in Physiological Sciences, Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry and Professor of Specialization in Pediatric Dentistry.

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