Vol. 11 – Number 44 – 2020


Page 5
It passed. And now?

Prof. Dr. Sandro Henrique Batista Santos
[email protected]
– Specialist in Orthodontics – Uningá/PR;
– Master in Dentistry / Orthodontics – Uningá/PR;
– PhD in Dentistry / Dental Materials – UFPel/RS;
– Coordinator Specialization Orthodontics – BIONEP/PR;
– Professor of Orthodontics – UNIPAR/PR and BIONEP/PR;
– Ideal Clinical Dental Manager Pelotas/RS;
– Minister Orthodontics and Business Management in Dentistry;
– 15 years of experience in Dentistry.

Hello my friends,

I have been talking to several professional colleagues in the last few days and asked how the movement of
patients in the offices, most responding that it is within normal, few saying it has decreased and, some, that the volume even increased considerably. Of course, this data is not a broad survey of scientific stamp, may be a mere statement of its own, but it left me satisfied.

Another positive finding I had was that most professionals reported not to have been affected from drastically by the pandemic and none have reported being contaminated. Even though they are only reports of several dentists, is a relevant sign that demonstrates the care with the biosafety of the professionals of the Odontology.

We are living a time in which apparently the pandemic peak is diminishing and we are beginning to see traces of normality in the routine. With this, considering the individuality, routine and lifestyle of each one, the reflections after the pandemic are already beginning and, one of them, entitles this text: “It’s passed. And now?”.

Now, having this situation brought us relevant impacts, will we carry a baggage full of learning?

Now, analyzing what has passed and some still passing, we see an adaptation and overcoming of most people?

Now, we realize that some practices came to stay?

Now, has really changed our public and people’s consumption pattern?

Unfortunately a popular saying says that we learn much more with the mistakes than with the hits, certainly because the mistakes usually bring negative consequences. And, if this is a new and atypical moment, we certainly made a lot of mistakes and maybe there are still other reflexes to come from this whole situation.

A relevant data on the market in general was an estimative on the increase in around 30% of the online sales of products for Father’s Day. In our practice we sell services and buy products, so those who didn’t have intimacy with the digital environment were obliged to adapt. Teachers giving classes at distance, professionals seeking professional improvement and more knowledge through classes and online courses, clinics confirming patients by cell phone messages and social networks, greater use of digital media for disclosure of companies, offices trying to maintain contact with their portfolio of patients with a greater frequency, among other attitudes.

As consumers, for those who were already used to online shopping, the change in the shopping routine was small, but at this time of very high prices of inputs used daily for our biosafety, a large number of professionals started to use digital media to budget in various suppliers, thus
like the rest of the material, trying to save on costs and automatically making prices tend to go down a bit.

Finally, simple practices can help us professionally and, regardless of whether the pandemic has passed or not, the most important are the lessons and learning that will remain.

Big hug to all, stay with God.

Prof. Dr. Sandro Santos

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