HUGO NAGEM TIPS – It’s not what you say, but how you say it

HUGO NAGEM TIPS – It’s not what you say, but how you say it

Vol. 13 – Number 50 – 2022 HUGO NAGEM TIPS Page 4 It’s not what you say, but how you say it Did you know that 93% of your communication is Non-Verbal, that is, your tone of voice, your features, gestures, clothing, tattoos, and more communicate much more than your verbal language, which is the […]

MARKETING COLUMN – Time to increase your clinic’s revenues

MARKETING COLUMN – Time to increase your clinic’s revenues

Vol. 13 – Number 50 – 2022 MARKETING COLUMN Page 5 Time to increase your clinic’s revenues Prof. Dr. Sandro Henrique Batista Santos [email protected] – Specialist in Orthodontics – Uningá/PR; – MSc in Dentistry / Orthodontics – Uningá/PR; – PhD in Dentistry / Dental Materials – UFPel/RS; – Orthodontics Specialization Coordinator – BIONEP/PR; – Professor […]

COLUMN LEGAL DENTISTRY – Reversal of the burden of proof in Dentistry

COLUMN LEGAL DENTISTRY – Reversal of the burden of proof in Dentistry

Vol. 13 – Number 50 – 2022 COLUMN LEGAL DENTISTRY Page 6 Reversal of the burden of proof in Dentistry Prof. Roberley Araújo Assad – MSc PhD, Dental Surgeon CRO/PR-7497 – Graduation professor and coordinator of post-graduation in Orthodontics – Cescage/Ponta Grossa; – Graduation Professor and Coordinator of Post-Graduation in Orthodontics – Faculdade Herrero/Curitiba; – […]

INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY COLUMN – Crown lengthening surgery using a digitally produced surgical guide

INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY COLUMN – Crown lengthening surgery using a digitally produced surgical guide

Vol. 13 – Number 50 – 2022 INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY COLUMN Page 14-23 Crown lengthening surgery using a digitally produced surgical guide Fábio Shiniti Mizutani¹ Atila de Freitas² Victor Hugo Taddeo Nastri³ Abstract Crown lengthening surgery plays an important role in aesthetic treatments aimed at changing tooth color and shape. Performed through a gingival incision […]

JAQUES COLUMN – Implants anchored in the maxillary tuberosity with immediate loading

JAQUES COLUMN – Implants anchored in the maxillary tuberosity with immediate loading

Vol. 13 – Number 50 – 2022 JAQUES COLUMN Page 24-31 Implants anchored in the maxillary tuberosity with immediate loading Jaques Luiz¹ Julia Helena Luiz² Christian Rado Jarry³ Flavia Sukekava² Abstract The maxillary tuber region was considered an area of poor bone for anchoring osseointegrated implants, making it difficult to rehabilitate this region with these […]

PITEAM COLUMN – Use of CAD/CAM technology for production of titanium customized abutment and zirconia crown on implant

PITEAM COLUMN – Use of CAD/CAM technology for production of titanium customized abutment and zirconia crown on implant

Vol. 13 – Number 50 – 2022 PITEAM COLUMN Page 32-40 Use of CAD/CAM technology for production of titanium customized abutment and zirconia crown on implant Rander Moreira Macedo¹ Bruno Fernando Candido¹ Carlos Eduardo Edwards Rezende¹ Flavia Sukekava¹ Paula Porto Spada¹ Luiz Carlos Carmo Filho¹ Abstract The rehabilitation of missing teeth with dental implants is […]

Integration between Periodontics and Orthodontics for the treatment of gingival recession

Integration between Periodontics and Orthodontics for the treatment of gingival recession

Vol. 13 – Number 50 – 2022 IMPLANT DENTISTRY NOTEBOOK Case report Page 56-61 Integration between Periodontics and Orthodontics for the treatment of gingival recession Nicolas Nicchio Nicolini Calazans1 Licínia Maria Ferreira Pignaton2 Deise Cunha3 Fausto Frizzera4 Abstract Gingival recession is the apical migration of the marginal gingiva beyond the cemento-enamel junction, it is observed […]

Peripheral giant cell granuloma in immunosuppressed patient – case report

Peripheral giant cell granuloma in immunosuppressed patient – case report

Vol. 13 – Number 50 – 2022 IMPLANT DENTISTRY NOTEBOOK Case report Page 62-66 Peripheral giant cell granuloma in immunosuppressed patient – case report Francisco Jadson Lima1 Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira Soares2 Vilson Rocha Cortez Teles de Alencar3 Augusto Henrique Alves de Oliveira4 Leticia Stefenon5 Abstract Peripheral giant cell granuloma is a non-neoplastic lesion characterized […]

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