Shear bond strength between composite resin and artificial teeth of acrylic resin

Shear bond strength between composite resin and artificial teeth of acrylic resin

Vol. 10 – Number 40 – 2021 Original article Page 33-37 Shear bond strength between composite resin and artificial teeth of acrylic resin Joyce de Figueiredo Meira Barbosa1 Lara Pepita de Souza Oliveira2 Marcelo Nascimento Bruce3 Jonas Alves Oliveira4 Ligia Regina Mota Vasconcelos5 José Antônio Nunes de Mello6 Abstract Acrylic denture teeth may suffer fracture or wear requiring the need for repair. This study aimed to evaluate the shear bond strength between acrylic resin artificial teeth restored with composite resin (with two different surface treatments) and acrylic resin (AR), simulating repair with these materials. Thirty artificial incisors were included by the palatal side in a circular microwave-polymerized AR base and polished on their buccal side with 120 and 320 grit sandpaper in a metallographic polisher and, then, divided into three groups: (I) restoration with self-cured AR; (II) conventional restoration with Z-100 composite resin with application of acid etching and Single Bond-3M adhesive; and (III) restoration with Z-100 composite resin with submersion for 30 seconds in acetone and application of Single Bond-3M adhesive. Shear bond strength tests were performed in a Universal Testing Machine (Instron). The results were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey (p<0.05) tests, in which Group I (33.26MPa ±10.76) and Group III (22.24MPa ±13.13) showed no statistically significant difference, but both were superior to Group II (10.31MPa ±5.62), which showed a lower value of shear bond strength. It can be concluded that composite resin restoration with acetone pretreatment can be a viable alternative for repair. Descriptors: Artificial tooth, acrylic resins, Bis-GMA, adhesiveness. 1 MSc in Dentistry – Dental Sciences – FAO/UFAM, Adjunct Professor of Prosthodontics – UNIP. 2 Master’s student in Dentistry – Oral Rehabilitation – UFAM. 3 Graduated in Dentistry – UEA. 4 Dr. in Dental Clinic – Prosthodontics – FOP-UNICAMP, Adjunct Professor of Prosthodontics – UEA. 5 Dr. in Dental Clinics – SL Mandic, Adjunct Prof. of Prosthodontics – UEA. 6 Dr. in Dental Clinics – Prosthodontics – FOP-UNICAMP, Adjunct Prof. of Prosthodontics – UEA. DOI: 10.24077/2021;1040-3337

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