Lip filling with hyaluronic acid clinical – case report

Lip filling with hyaluronic acid clinical – case report

Vol. 1 – Number 1 – 2019

Case report

Page 60
Lip filling with hyaluronic acid clinical – case report

Bruno Cruz Corrêa¹
Emílio Mmarquardt²
Daniel Machado³
Marcelo Germani Vieira4

The present work aims to address the lip filling with hyaluronic acid in a dental office. A literature review was performed in search media such as SCIELO, PUBMED among others in which we aim, in addition to a brief literature review, to describe and present a clinical case using the technique recommended by Dr Daniel Machado. In addition to improving aesthetics, lip filling has a functional and preventive indication. It is considered an accurate, safe and minimally invasive procedure, indicated to improve the appearance of the lips, making them more drawn, turgid and bulky, and can soften small wrinkles that form around the mouth, as well as the expression line of the region. The application is performed in stages, usually using non-rejecting hyaluronic acid, as it is a molecule naturally produced by the body to support a series of body tissues. The information contained in this study was obtained through interview with the patient, photographic record of the diagnostic methods to which the patient was submitted and literature review and presentation of the final result after application of the filler.

Descriptors: Lip filling, hyaluronic acid, facial harmonization.

¹ Me. And Esp. in Maxillofacial Surgery.
² Me. In Sciences, Esp. in Maxillofacial Surgery.
³ Esp. in Implantology, Periodontics and Radiology.
4 Esp. in Implantology, Periodontics and Radiology.


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