HUGO NAGEM TIPS – A successful company focuses on customer success

HUGO NAGEM TIPS – A successful company focuses on customer success

Vol. 13 – Number 51 – 2022


Page 4
A successful company focuses on customer success

Customer success is about making sure that the customer enjoys all the transformations he sought when he bought your product or hired your service, and also delivering to him something more that he didn’t even know he needed and you had – OverDelivery.

The Customer 4.0 today is the one who wants to be seen, heard, felt, and understood.

He wants to be transformed, impacted, and, above all, to be satisfied with the choice he made. That’s why Customer Success today, more than ever, has to be one of the most important areas of your company.

In the old days the company would sit on its success and the customer, almost always without much choice, would end up giving in. Nowadays, there is no more Successful Company without Customer Success.

Customer Success > Successful Company

Caring about the patient’s journey leads to an unforgettable experience.

And it is this today that has made the difference in companies that are succeeding: they are caring about the Total Customer Journey as a whole, from Hi to Bye, wanting to know in detail what the real and true perceptions of their customers are.

They are knowing why the company was sought out and successful in doing business.

They know why the company was approached and the customer declined the proposal, and many times, this done in the right way and on time, has brought a lot of revenue into the company, after all, this is money – a lot of it -, left on the table or pushed to your competitor, because your company only cares about the sale that beats the goal and not the sale that transforms.

Companies that put more effort into selling than retaining the customer have more spent on bringing in new customers than on keeping the customers in the base buying more and longer.

A company focused on Customer Success puts more effort into retention, and this comes from a well-done sale coupled with an ACTIVE and STRATEGIC AFTER-SALE focused on the customer’s result, not on the goal achieved.

And taking this to your practice:

– How do you first greet your patient?

– How often do you contact your patient to hear from them?

– When a potential patient declines a proposal, do you seek to know why?

– What have you done with your customer base to delight them more and more and make them a fan of your brand?

If this made sense to you, I suggest putting your patient’s perceptions at the center of your decisions as a dentist.

Hugo Nagem
www.facebook.com/hugonagem | www.instagram.com/hugonagem


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