LEGAL DENTISTRY COLUMN – Surgeon-dentist/patient relationship in the post-pandemic?

LEGAL DENTISTRY COLUMN – Surgeon-dentist/patient relationship in the post-pandemic?

Vol. 12 – Number 45 – 2020


Page 7
Surgeon-dentist/patient relationship in the post-pandemic?

Prof. Roberley Araújo Assad
– MSc PhD, Dental Surgeon CRO/PR-7497
– Prof. of Graduate and Postgraduate Coordinator of Orthodontics – Cescage/Ponta Grossa;
– Graduate Professor and Coordinator of Postgraduate Orthodontics – Faculdade Herrero/Curitiba;
– Graduate Coordinator of Orthodontics – Soepar/Curitiba;
– Graduate Professor of Orthodontics – Ioa/Avantis/Curitiba – Joinville/SC;
– Graduating in Law – Dom Bosco/Curitiba;
– Orthoscience Scientific Reviewer.

The natural interpersonal relationships during the pandemic were even more shaken: increased divorces, children and elderly anxious/restless, paralyzed businesses, general incomprehension and unfortunately suicides. The virus not only affected the airways, but also the mind. In our area, as in the others, negative peaks occurred, but also positive, because it is possible to notice by the population in general the true value of the surgeon-dentist, which is very great, since the protection measures adopted to fight the contamination of the new coronavirus have always been common to act professionally, which quickly made possible the return to the consultations, due to the patient’s understanding of our biosecurity.

Therefore, in every crisis that has existed and will exist we must reflect and study to find out where the side is or even the point to take some advantage of it. One of them for sure is the (good) professional-patient relationship. We can also go further: for some clinical case badly solved in the recent or distant past, also an opportunity for approach and resolution is opened, because the good faith of the odontologist must always be transparent to the patient’s appearance.

These are attitudes within the Dental Law that contribute to the optimal progress of dental clinics and offices:

Guide patients to adopt the measures of respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette:

– If you cough or sneeze, cover your nose and mouth with bent elbow or tissue;
– Use disposable tissue for nasal hygiene (discard immediately after use and perform hand hygiene);
– Avoid touching mucous membranes in the eyes, nose and mouth;
– Perform hand hygiene with water and soap OR 70% alcoholic preparation;

Orient patients/accompanies and health professionals and support on the need for hand hygiene with water and liquid soap (40-60 seconds) or 70% alcoholic preparation (20-30 seconds); Orient patients/accompanies and health professionals and support to avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unsanitized hands.
To reinforce the need for intensified cleaning and disinfection of objects and surfaces, especially the most touched, such as handles, light switches, handrails, elevator buttons, etc;
To guide healthcare professionals to avoid touching surfaces near the patient (e.g., furniture and healthcare equipment) and those outside the patient’s immediate environment, with contaminated gloves or other PPEs, or with contaminated hands;
Keep environments ventilated (if possible with windows open);
Eliminate or restrict the use of items shared by patients such as pens, clipboards and telephones;
Carry out the cleaning and disinfection of equipment and health products that have been used in the care of patients suspected or confirmed of infection by the new coronavirus;
To guide health professionals as to the precautionary measures to be adopted;
Orient health and support professionals to use personal protective equipment (PPE) if they assist less than 1 meter of patients suspected or confirmed of infection by the new coronavirus;
Health services should implement policies, which are not punitive, to allow health professionals with symptoms of respiratory infection to be removed from work.

Based on the text above and carrying out in practice what is written, our profession will be one of the fastest to return to full care, because the new normal so much commented on in the media, especially on health care, were already part of our daily life for years.

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