MARKETING COLUMN – What is my target audience?

MARKETING COLUMN – What is my target audience?

Vol. 12 – Number 45 – 2020


Page 6
What is my target audience?

Prof. Dr. Sandro Henrique Batista Santos
[email protected]
– Specialist in Orthodontics – Uningá/PR;
– Master in Dentistry / Orthodontics – Uningá/PR;
– PhD in Dentistry / Dental Materials – UFPel/RS;
– Coordinator Specialization Orthodontics – BIONEP/PR;
– Professor of Orthodontics – UNIPAR/PR and BIONEP/PR;
– Ideal Clinical Dental Manager Pelotas/RS;
– Minister Orthodontics and Business Management in Dentistry;
– 15 years of experience in Dentistry.

Hello friends,

This is one of the first answers we should have to point our north in a strategic planning marketing and advertising. According to the definition found in the dictionary, the target audience is the “market segmentation to which every effort is directed for the consumption of a certain product or service”. To define and select the people that we have a greater chance of attending is a determining factor for all the steps that the company must follow.

To determine an audience you would like to reach, first define and know the product or service you will be offering. For that, some basic questions can help you:

– What is the socioeconomic level of the office neighborhood within a certain radius?
– School education?
– Average age of consumers?
– Gender?
– Marital status and number of children?
– What are the purchasing habits and professional routine?
– Means of transportation and locomotion?

However, if you already have a trained clientele, you can easily gather this data and optimize the strategies and services offered.

Some end up choosing their target public at random, in the choice of a commercial point considering only the geographic position. Don’t fall in the mistake of thinking that a clinic in a point of great flow of people is determinant for the selection of a specific public. In fact, many people passing in front of your clinic will help in the fixation of the brand and not in the selection of the specific public, the natural selection of an audience will depend on other factors, mainly on how you show yourself for people.

Answering the questions above makes it easier to think about how to reach and maintain a potential and loyal clientele.

Another point we can’t forget is that even if you define a target audience today, already having a trained clientele, this whole process is dynamic and the patterns of consumers may change over time. A constant perception is necessary to maintain all the marketing performed by the clinic or office.

Observing some pattern of people you are attending will facilitate not only the company’s publicity, but will direct all the communication, decoration, attendance, products and services, among other factors related to the relationship between the professional and the client.

A change that has been happening and is perceptible on the behavior of the consumers is a reflection of the evolution and influence of the communication through digital media. In addition to an increasing reach, companies are carrying out strategic targeted advertising campaigns, that is, the same company trying to offer different products or services for different consumer profiles, however, with specific campaigns directed to market niches almost individual. Within marketing has created the subdivision of the target audience into “persona”. Superimportant tip: people like to feel unique.

Marketing and digital advertising are also changing the perception in relation to commercial points and geographic location. This factor must be observed together with the capacity of urban locomotion and easy access parking. From the moment we publicize our work and look for a target audience outside a close geographic radius, we must consider how this audience will reach the location for service.

These are some tips that may help in strategic planning. Stay with God and a strong hug.

Prof. Sandro Santos

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