Lingual CAD-CAM Orthodontics in private clinic

Lingual CAD-CAM Orthodontics in private clinic

Vol. 1 – Number 1 – 2021

Case report

Page 28-37
Lingual CAD-CAM Orthodontics in private clinic

Henrique Bacci¹

Lingual Orthodontics is a technique that stands out in the context of aesthetics appliances demand growth, represented today mainly by the clear aligners boom. Lingual appliances are indicated for any kind of malocclusion and, more recently, they include the CAD-CAM technology personalization. This paper reviews five of the main points that analyze CAD-CAM Lingual Orthodontics viability in private clinic nowadays. The conclusions indicate that the use of CAD-CAM in orthodontic appliances personalization is currently a reality. Lingual Orthodontics assimilation for most of the clinicians is also a tendency and depends of a change in the professional behavior due to the increasing demand for aesthetic appliances.

Descriptors: Technology, dental aesthetics, Lingual Orthodontics.

¹ Clinician – Ribeirão Preto, Specialist in Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics, University of Ribeirão Preto and Master in Orthodontics – SLMANDIC Campinas.

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