The story of the definitive revolution in dentistry in the 21st century

The story of the definitive revolution in dentistry in the 21st century

Vol. 3 – Number 11 – 2022

Special Issue

Page 74-79
The story of the definitive revolution in dentistry in the 21st century

By Elio Fontoura

The year was 2009, and the then professor of Orthodontics Sidmarcio Ziroldo had a bold idea that would change dentistry forever.

Graduated in 1995 from the UNIPAR School of Dentistry, Ziroldo was always a very dedicated student, disciplined and restless with the traditional molds of the area. As soon as he took his first specialization in Orthodontics, he went on to a master’s degree in the same specialty, specialization in oral and maxillofacial surgery, specialization in implants, not to mention the countless improvement and qualification courses.

His story until then was not much different from that of thousands of dental surgeons who are constantly in search of improvement and professional distinction. Until mid-2002, when Ziroldo was ending a relationship, he sought a dematologist to eliminate a wrinkle on his forehead and give his look a makeover. By doing a procedure with botulinum toxin he realized how “simple” and “easy” this technique would be for the skilled hands of a dental surgeon. “Of course, at the time I didn’t have the knowledge of how to reach a diagnosis, what the application points would be, I just analyzed the technique that was done and how simple it was to solve that wrinkle”, says the Dentist.

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