The need to individualize fill labial in each patient – series of case

The need to individualize fill labial in each patient – series of case

Vol. 2 – Number 8 – 2021 Case report Page 8-15 The need to individualize fill labial in each patient – series of case Terezinha Raposo de Alvarenga1 Emanuelle Teixeira Carrera2 Eduardo Antônio de Castro Vieira3 Patrícia Guedes Maciel Vieira4 ABSTRACT The lips are of great importance in the smile, when their size and definition […]

Harmonizing face and smile

Harmonizing face and smile

Vol. 2 – Number 8 – 2021 Case report Page 22-27 Harmonizing face and smile Weider de Oliveira Silva1 Paula Stéffani de Aguiar Duarte2 Ana Paula Bragança2 Tarcisio Pinto3 Gil Montenegro4 ABSTRACT Dentistry has always been guided by the pursuit of health and function, however, with the evolution and changes in society’s concerns, there was […]

Polydiaxonone thread – case report

Polydiaxonone thread – case report

Vol. 2 – Number 8 – 2021 Case report Page 28-33 Polydiaxonone thread – case report Luciene De Oliveira Martins¹ Victor Hugo Baggio² Sidmárcio Ziroldo³ ABSTRACT This article deals with the use of polidoxanone (PDO) on the face, which is already used in digestive, cardiac, gynecological and other specialties. The research was oriented by the […]

Refining lip sculpture needles or microcanulas – case report

Refining lip sculpture needles or microcanulas – case report

Vol. 2 – Number 8 – 2021 Case report Page 42-50 Refining lip sculpture needles or microcanulas – case report Marcelo Zandoná¹ Victor Hugo W. Bagio² Sidmarcio Ziroldo³ Abstract The perioral region is a very important anatomical part, where aging plays a role in muscle and adjacent soft tissue transformation of significant importance on the […]

Current perspectives on the use of botulinum toxin in oral Implantology

Current perspectives on the use of botulinum toxin in oral Implantology

Vol. 2 – Number 8 – 2021 Literature review Page 58-70 Current perspectives on the use of botulinum toxin in oral Implantology Wilson Victor Rogerini-Junior¹ ABSTRACT The loss of one or more dental elements has functional, aesthetic and often psychological consequences. The rehabilitation treatment with osseointegrated implants allows the reestablishment of aesthetics, function, phonation, chewing […]

Laserterapy in the treatment of dental caries

Laserterapy in the treatment of dental caries

Vol. 2 – Number 8 – 2021 Literature review Page 72-76 Laserterapy in the treatment of dental caries Daniele de Lima Durval da Silva¹ Ana Karina Fonseca de Carvalho Calderan Correa² Leonardo Nogueira Tavares³ ABSTRACT With the advancement of laser therapy in dental offices, lasers have become a possibility for patients who felt fear and […]

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