Point of View Column – Sliding jig. How, when, why and for what?

Point of View Column – Sliding jig. How, when, why and for what?

Vol. 15 – Number 60 – 2022 Point of View Column Page 8-13 Sliding jig. How, when, why and for what? José Nelson Mucha¹(in memoriam) Orlando Tanaka² Matheus Melo Pithon³ Letícia Machado Berretta4 Oscar Mario Antelo5 Introduction The transmission of force to the bracket with the use of Sliding Jig (SJ), or cursor, allows the […]

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Column Orthodontics and Ideas – Class compensatory orthodontic treatment II with perspective of future orthognathic surgery – case report

Column Orthodontics and Ideas – Class compensatory orthodontic treatment II with perspective of future orthognathic surgery – case report

Vol. 15 – Number 60 – 2022 Column Orthodontics and Ideas Page 14-23 Class compensatory orthodontic treatment II with perspective of future orthognathic surgery – case report Guaracy Fonseca Junior1 Ney Tavares Lima Neto2 Gurgiane Gurgel3 Poliana Larissa Cardoso dos Santos4 Priscila Pinto Brandão de Araújo5 Fabiana Souza de Santos6 Abstract Angle Class II malocclusion […]

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Treatment of class III malocclusion and bilateral posterior crossbite through orthodontic camouflage – case report

Treatment of class III malocclusion and bilateral posterior crossbite through orthodontic camouflage – case report

Vol. 15 – Number 60 – 2022 Case report Page 28-35 Treatment of class III malocclusion and bilateral posterior crossbite through orthodontic camouflage – case report Benedito Viana Freitas1 Izabel Cristina Vieira de Oliveira2 Felipe Luís Silva Borges3 Heloíza Viana Freitas de Melo4 Vandilson Pinheiro Rodrigues2 Pedro César Fernandes dos Santos5 Abstract Class III malocclusion […]

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Tomographic assessment of the oropharyngeal airway after orthosurgical treatment in class II patient – case report

Tomographic assessment of the oropharyngeal airway after orthosurgical treatment in class II patient – case report

Vol. 15 – Number 60 – 2022 Case report Page 36-42 Tomographic assessment of the oropharyngeal airway after orthosurgical treatment in class II patient – case report Cauby Maia Chaves Júnior1 Keila Maria de Sousa Castelo2 Vilana Maria Adriano Araújo2 Itala Lais Rodrigues Coelho2 Alexandre de Albuquerque Franco3 Alexandre Moro4 Abstract The maxillomandibular surgical advancement […]

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Effects of environmental conditions on the initial strength released by latex elastics

Effects of environmental conditions on the initial strength released by latex elastics

Vol. 15 – Number 60 – 2022 Original article Page 62-65 Effects of environmental conditions on the initial strength released by latex elastics Paula Braga de Queiroz Veiga¹ Edgard Norões Rodrigues Matta² Abstract This study evaluated the influence of environmental conditions on the initial strength released by orthodontic latex elastics. Three hundred samples of medium […]

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Dentoalveolar expansion predctability in mixed dentition patients with Invisalign First®

Dentoalveolar expansion predctability in mixed dentition patients with Invisalign First®

Vol. 15 – Number 60 – 2022 Original article Page 73-77 Dentoalveolar expansion predctability in mixed dentition patients with Invisalign First® Victor de Miranda Ladewig¹ Paula Vanessa Pedron Oltramari² Thais Maria Freire Fernandes² Renata Rodrigues Almeida Pedrin² Marcio Rodrigues Almeida² Ana Claudia de Castro Ferreira Conti² Abstract The aim of the present research was to […]

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Evaluation of orthodontists’ knowledge concerning orthodontic movement in traumatized teeth

Evaluation of orthodontists’ knowledge concerning orthodontic movement in traumatized teeth

Vol. 15 – Number 60 – 2022 Na Visão D’elas Page 80-87 Evaluation of orthodontists’ knowledge concerning orthodontic movement in traumatized teeth Leniana Santos Neves¹ Letícia Teixeira Vieira² Esdras de Campos França³ Marcelo de Araújo Lombardi4 Rodrigo Hermont Cançado1 Juliana Vilela Bastos5 Alexandre Fortes Drummond6 Abstract The aim of the present study was to evaluate […]

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