Simultaneous verticalization of four molars with root spring anchored with miniplates – case report

Simultaneous verticalization of four molars with root spring anchored with miniplates – case report

Vol. 14 – Number 56 – 2021 Case report Page 84-90 Simultaneous verticalization of four molars with root spring anchored with miniplates – case report Dennys Ilan Amorim Rêgo¹ Rianny Maria Barros Lopes Nascimento¹ Luciana Porto Ferreira Cotta² Maurício Tatsuei Sakima² Abstract The mesial inclination of permanent molars is commonly noticed and may be caused by several factors, including premature loss of the primary first deciduous molars, loss of the first permanent molars, periodontal disease. The device selection for correcting this condition depends on the degree of inclination and the desired movement. The mechanical efficiency and the easy manufacturing and installation make the root spring an excellent alternative for molar uprigthing. The objective of this study was to report the clinical case of a simultaneous verticalization of four molars with root spring anchored with miniplates. A 35 years-old male patient presented as main complaint dissatisfaction regarding chewing. Clinical and radiographic analysis showed the early loss of the first lower molars, which led to the inclination of teeth 37, 38, 47 and 48 with total closure of the space corresponding to teeth 36 and 46. The biomechanical planning consisted of the simultaneous uprigthing of the four molars with root spring activated in GVI and anchored in two miniplates installed in the anterior region of the mandible. In this clinical case report, the root spring activated in geometry VI showed to be a good mechanical alternative, as it is a simple, precise, and comfortable for the patient in cases in which molars uprigthing is necessary without vertical forces acting on the system. Descriptors: Orthodontics, tooth movement techniques, orthodontic anchorage procedures, molar teeth. ¹ Orthodontics – Instituto Lato Senso. ² Orthodontics – São Paulo Association of Dental Surgeons. DOI: 10.24077/2021;1456-8490

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