Orthodontic treatment in patient with facial burn injury – case report

Orthodontic treatment in patient with facial burn injury – case report

Vol. 14 – Number 56 – 2021 Case report Page 76-83 Orthodontic treatment in patient with facial burn injury – case report Bruna Cristina Longo¹ Ariane Fernanda Carvalho² Rebecca Carolina Ortega² Luiz Carlos Marchi³ Mauro Carlos Agner Busato³ Abstract Numerous variables are considered in a normal occlusion, one of those is the homeostasis of the facial musculature and its harmony with bones and teeth. Several factors can lead to change in muscle functionality. An example is the facial burn injury in which it is common formation of hypertrophic scars that cause muscle structures dysfunction and impact on facial growth and dentition development. Patient K.R.S, 15-years-old, female, sought treatment at the Center for Attention and Research of Craniofacial Anomalies (CEAPAC) complaining of “crooked teeth”. She reported during anamnesis that when she was a child, she suffered a domestic accident which caused facial, and body burn injury. The patient had Angle Class I malocclusion and upper and lower incisor lingualization. Dental arch atresia and moderate crowding were observed. Rapid maxillary expansion and lower dental expansion were performed with the lip bumper, followed by teeth alignment and leveling with a fixed appliance. In the retainment phase, Hawley plates (upper and lower) were used in addition to a fixed lower retainer. The treatment of arch expansion and alignment proved to be viable and predictable, however, the stability has a dubious prognosis, which led the authors to indicate the use of retainers indefinitely. Descriptors: Orthodontics, burn, facial muscles. ¹ Masters – UNIOESTE. ² Dentistry – UNIOESTE. ³ Professor of the Discipline of Orthodontics – UNIOESTE. DOI: 10.24077/2021;1456-7683

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