Endocrown semi-direct restoration of extensively destroyed posterior teeth

Endocrown semi-direct restoration of extensively destroyed posterior teeth

Vol. 10 – Number 40 – 2019 CLINICAL DENTISTRY BOOKLET Case report / Case report Page 83-93 Endocrown semi-direct restoration of extensively destroyed posterior teeth Fernanda Sandes de Lucena1 Gisele Aihara Haragushiku2 Ana Cristina Távora de Albuquerque Lopes¹ Rafael Francisco Lia Mondelli³ Adilson Yoshio Furuse4 Summary Endocrowns are crowns made using the pulp chamber as a mechanical retention resource, avoiding the need for pins and more extensive preparations. These restorations can be fabricated using different techniques, including the semi-direct technique. This technique consists of making an extraoral composite resin restoration, usually in rigid or flexible models, and subsequent cementation, being an alternative that facilitates the anatomical reproduction, finishing and polishing of the restoration and lower cost for the patient. The objective of this study is to report a clinical case of a patient with a molar extensively destroyed and endodontically treated, in which an Endocrown-type restoration was fabricated using a semi-direct technique. In this case, tooth 46 of a 33-year-old male patient was prepared with truncated-conic diamond tips in order to obtain a slightly expulsive preparation, which was molded with condensation silicon. Addition silicone was injected into the impression in order to obtain a flexible model for the fabrication of the restoration. Subsequently, the restoration was performed in this model using Bulk Fill resin to fill the cavity, followed by A3 dentin, application of ochre pigment and A2 enamel resin layer and, after light curing, the piece was cemented with resin cement. The finishing and polishing procedures were performed outside the mouth and a post-polymerization procedure was also performed to obtain better mechanical properties of the restoration. The semi-direct Endocrown restoration returned function and aesthetics to the molar, with adequate marginal adaptation, ensuring immediate results, low cost and comfort to the patient. Descriptors: Endodontics, composite resins, permanent dental restoration.   1 Doctoral student in the Department of Dentistry, Endodontics and Dental Materials – FOB/USP. 2 Private practice – Bauru/SP. 3 Full Professor of the Department of Dentistry, Endodontics and Dental Materials – FOB/USP. 4 Assistant Professor of the Department of Dentistry, Endodontics and Dental Materials – FOB/USP.

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