The relationship between Baume’s arch and approximal fi llings existence in deciduous dentition

The relationship between Baume’s arch and approximal fi llings existence in deciduous dentition

Vol. 1 – Number 1 – 2008 Research paper Pages 54-59 The relationship between Baume’s arch and approximal fi llings existence in deciduous dentition Leandro Berni Osório* Mariana Boessio Vizzotto** Elisandra Aparecida Marin*** Luis Felipe Dias Lopes**** Osório, LB; Vizzotto, MB; Marin, EA; Lopes, LFD. The relationship between Baume’s arch and approximal fi llings existence in deciduous dentition. 2008; 1(1); 54-59. The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between the kind of Baume’s arch and existence of the proximal cavity lesions. The sample consisted of 156 children, both genders, aged 3-5 years old assisted in the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic from the Federal University of Santa Maria. The clinical examination was carried out by students with their own sources; the data was collected from the clinic forms. The statistical program EPI-INFO6.04d analyzed the data. The upper arch shows 61.70% and 38.30% type I and II, respectively and to the lower, the values were 54.70% to type I and 45.30 type II. The frequency of the Baume’s type II in the upper arch with proximal cavities was 45.6%, and without 54.4%. Regarding the lower arch type I, the values with and without fi lling lesions were 32.9% and 67.1%, respectively. To the patients with upper arch type II, the percentage with proximal cavities was 66.7% and without lesions was 38.3%. In the type II, lower arch, the percents with and without lesions were 54.4% and 45.6%, respectively. The results showed statistical diff erence between interdental spaces absence and cavity lesions presence being the absence of interdental spaces was prevalent for illness. KEYWORDS: deciduous teeth, dental caries, dental arch. * MSc in Orthodontics, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Assistant Professor of Pediatric Dentistry and Children’s Integrated Clinic, Federal University of Santa Maria Dentistry Course, Federal University of Santa Maria ** Dentist, Dental School, Santa Maria Federal University *** Dentist, Dental School of the Federal University of Santa Maria. **** Adjunct Professor, Department of Statistics, Mathematics Course, Federal University of Santa Maria.

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