Prevalence and predictability of impacted maxillary canines in dental in patients seeking dental treatment in southwest Bahia, Brazil

Prevalence and predictability of impacted maxillary canines in dental in patients seeking dental treatment in southwest Bahia, Brazil

Vol. 15 – Number 59 – 2022 Original article Page 77-82 Prevalence and predictability of impacted maxillary canines in dental in patients seeking dental treatment in southwest Bahia, Brazil Felipe Barreto Lemos¹ Claudio Leite Santana¹ Leandro Almeida Nascimento Barros¹ Matheus Melo Pithon¹ Ricardo Alves de Souza¹ Lívia Maria Andrade de Freitas¹ Abstract Objective: to identify the prevalence and to determine the predictability of permanent superior canine impaction based on a panoramic radiographic sample in the Southwestern region of Bahia, Brazil. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional epidemiological study which analyzed 5,611 panoramic radiographs was performed. In the first study, 4,987 radiographs of patients whose ages were between 15 to 54 years old in permanent dentition phase were analyzed to identify the prevalence of impacted canines. The second study included 624 individuals in the mixed dentition phase, between 8 and 14 years old, in which the method used was impacted canines localization based on predictability determination. The sample calculation and descriptive statistical analysis have been performed using the chi-square test. Results: we have found 53 cases of canines impacted with complete rhizogenesis within the prevalence study, as well as a mean age of 27.4 years between female (60.3%) and male (39.7%). We have found 46 cases of a possible impaction in individuals with a mean age of 11.7 years, 54.3% of males and 45.7% of females. After the chi-square test, it was possible to perceive statistical significance between the age group between 11 and 12 years with predictability of the anomaly, in contrast, the same relationship with the increase of the individuals age has not been perceived. Conclusion: based on the results, it was possible to determine the prevalence of impacted canines in 1.06% and the rate of predictability was 6.05%. Descriptors: Tooth abnormalities, epidemiology, Orthodontics. tooth, impacted. ¹ Department of Health I – UESB. DOI: 10.24077/2022;1559-0184758

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