Lip filling with hyaluronic acid from a natural perspective

Lip filling with hyaluronic acid from a natural perspective

Vol. 3 – Number 11 – 2022 Case report Page 28-35 Lip filling with hyaluronic acid from a natural perspective Douglas César Moura Pereira de Castro¹ Andreia Gomes Moreira² ABSTRACT The search for orofacial aesthetic is increasingly in vogue. The lips and perioral area play an important role in attractiveness and beauty. The present study aims to approach lip filling with hyaluronic acid from a natural perspective in a dental office. A literature review was performed on SciELO and PubMed databases, and shortly after the description and presentation of a clinical case developed in the Orofacial Harmonization specialization clinic. There are several materials that can be used to perform facial filling, among them is the hyaluronic acid, an important volumizer, widely used to fill many regions of the body including the lips. Lip filling with hyaluronic acid is considered a precise, safe and minimally invasive procedure, indicated to improve lips appearance, giving them more shape, structure and volume and being able to soften small wrinkles that form around the mouth, as well as the perioral region expression line, among other benefits. In addition to improving aesthetics, lip filling has functional and preventive indication. Descriptors: Facial harmonization, lip filling, hyaluronic acid. ¹ Graduate in Dentistry – UEPB. ² Post-Doctorate, Specialty in Orofacial Harmonization – IOA/IOP. DOI: 10.24077/2022;3113127

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