Orthodontic treatment for children: space management in mixed dentition with aligners

Orthodontic treatment for children: space management in mixed dentition with aligners

Vol. 16 – Number 62 – 2023 Na Visão D’elas Page 106-116 Orthodontic treatment for children: space management in mixed dentition with aligners Paula Vanessa Pedron Oltramari¹ Roberto Bespalez Neto² Abstract During the mixed dentition, a series of developmental disorders can be observed that must be treated to return the patient to a normal occlusion or to minimize future comprehensive treatment. Early loss of deciduous teeth can cause significant changes in occlusion, such as loss of arch perimeter, which impairs the physiological eruption of permanent teeth. This clinical report aims at presenting the management of spaces during the mixed dentition by means of orthodontic aligners, in which the premature loss of a deciduous tooth was diagnosed in the inter-transitional phase of the mixed dentition. The treatment, carried out with orthodontic aligners, was planned for: verticalization of the first permanent molar, recovery of the reduced space due to the loss of the second deciduous molar, sequential expansion of the upper and lower arches, correction of the deep bite and alignment and leveling of the upper and lower incisors. To obtain the proposed results, 3 sequences of aligners were used. The results demonstrated that orthodontic aligners represent an alternative for early intervention in patients with premature loss of deciduous teeth and reduced space for permanent teeth. Furthermore, they allow the simultaneous correction of other occlusal alterations, which makes the early treatment efficient. Descriptors: Orthodontics, orthodontic aligners, mixed dentition, early tretament. ¹ Professor of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Dentistry – PPGO, Anhanguera University – Uniderp, Professor of the Graduate Course in Dentistry – UNOPAR. ² PhD student at the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Dentistry – PPGO, Concentration Area Orthodontics – Anhanguera University – Uniderp, Professor of the Specialization Course in Orthodontics – LOGOS Graduate Program in Dentistry. DOI: 10.24077/2023;1662-9823025d3

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