Extra-alveolar mini-screws as absolute anchorage in modern orthodontic mechanics

Extra-alveolar mini-screws as absolute anchorage in modern orthodontic mechanics

Vol. 15 – Number 57 – 2022 Review article Page 103-109 Extra-alveolar mini-screws as absolute anchorage in modern orthodontic mechanics Jackson Mendes Almeida¹ Roger Orlandi Folkis² Abstract This research aims to demonstrate the use of absolute anchoring systems focused on extra-alveolar installation, especially in regions known as buccal shelf-BC and infrazygomatic crest (IZC). Through research carried out in specialized portals, such as Scielo and Google Scholar, a series of articles, journals, monographs, and dissertations specialized in the area were selected. Checking, mainly through research of Chang and Almeida, the main installation areas, the recommended size of the screws according to the type of installation, which methods provide greater stability to the screw, the main indications of use, the benefits incurred to orthodontic treatment, as well as the contraindications resulting from the patient’s condition. Observing the various criteria listed, several advantages of extra-alveolar mini-screws can be verified in relation to intra-alveolar screws, especially in relation to the stability eluded by the extra-alveolar system, allowing the use of screws with greater caliber without affecting the dental roots, thus being able to perform the retraction or mesyalization of an entire arch, reducing dental extractions in the way and also correcting the divergences of the occlusal plane. Descriptors: Orthodontic anchorage procedures, Orthodontics corrective, orthodontic space closure, tooth movement techniques. ¹ Specialist in Orthodontics – ABO/RO, Post-graduating in Implant Dentistry – ABO/RO. ² Master in Orthodontics – SLMANDIC – Campinas/SP. DOI: 10.24077/2022;1557-1956104

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