Cervicomental lipectomy

Cervicomental lipectomy

Vol. 4 – Number 13 – 2022 Case report Page 62-70 Cervicomental lipectomy Thais Amanda Vitorino da Silva Oliveira¹ Andreia Gomes Moreira² ABSTRACT The search for aesthetic procedures in the lower third of the face is increasing, in order to improve appearance and, consequently, self-esteem. The accumulation of fat in the submental and cervical regions has a strong impact on facial aesthetics, contributing to an older appearance; for this reason, it is of interest to dentistry, specifically Orofacial Harmonization (HOF), the newest area in which dentists work. The present study describes a case report of manual mechanical liposuction using the tumescent anesthesia technique in the cervical region, in a female patient duly elected by the specialized service of the clinic school of the postgraduate course in HOF of the Dental Institute of the Americas (IOA) in Campina Grande- PB Facial aesthetic treatments are responsible for improving the contour of the face and neck, contributing to a healthier and more youthful appearance. Facial harmonization makes the area more attractive, showing the contour of the mandible and helping to adjust the cervicomandibular segment, providing the stretching of these structures, being a safe procedure, with few complicationsand good results, provided that it is performed by properly qualified professionals. Descriptors: Cervicomental lipectomy, cervicomental liposuction, cervical lipoplasty, submental lipoplasty, orofacial harmonization. ¹ Implantologist, Specialization student in Orofacial Harmonization – IOA/IOP. ² Dr. in Dentistry, Prof. of the specialization in Orofacial Harmonization – IOA/IOP-Campina Grande-PB. DOI: 10.24077/2022;4133161

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