Lifting the nasal tip with permanent polypropylene threads and supporting the columella with hyaluronic acid – case report

Lifting the nasal tip with permanent polypropylene threads and supporting the columella with hyaluronic acid – case report

Vol. 3 – Number 9 – 2021 Case report Page 52-63 Lifting the nasal tip with permanent polypropylene threads and supporting the columella with hyaluronic acid – case report Silvia Aparecida Gimenes Cantele Oliani¹ Pedro Carvalho Feitosa² Abstract Non-invasive cosmetic procedures are growing a lot in recent years. Minimally invasive techniques, performed in offices and with a more comfortable postoperative period are being alternatives for patients who want a facial improvement. One of the most sought after procedures in Orofacial Harmonization is rhinomodeling. When the nose looks nice to us, there is not only an ideal congruence between the different proportions of the nose, but there is also harmony between the nose and the rest of the facial features. There are several facial disharmonies that compromise the central bar of beauty, one of the most unpleasant is a nose with tip ptosis. This nasal ptosis, when present, must be treated in order to restore the aesthetics and harmony of the face. The lifting of the nasal tip can be performed by different techniques, currently the use of threads is being more recommended in facial harmonization. In the present case, the patient has a ptosis of the nasal tip which caused discomfort, affecting his self-esteem. The present study aims to report a clinical case and correlate with the literature the use of definitive polypropylene surgical sutures anchored in the glabella muscle together with the use of hyaluronic acid filling to support the columella in a patient with tip ptosis nasal, showing in a practical and simple way the steps of the technique performed. This combination of techniques for lifting the nasal tip and supporting the columella constitutes a safe and effective procedure for the correction of nasal drop, resulting in a lift of the nasal tip with columellar support. This technique provides the correction of small nasal defects as a minimally invasive alternative when compared to more invasive surgery such as rhinoplasty, with a calmer postoperative period and a safer technique with immediate results. Descriptors: Suture, advanced technique, nose, non-surgical rhinoplasty, dermal filler, hyaluronic acid, nasal ptosis. ¹ Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry, Specialist in Aesthetic Health, Specialist in Orofacial Harmonization. ² Specialist, M.D. and Dr. in Implant Dentistry, Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology, Specialist in Orofacial Harmonization. DOI: 10.24077/2021393094

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