Influence of bleaching agents with high peroxide concentration on the surface roughness of different types of composites

Influence of bleaching agents with high peroxide concentration on the surface roughness of different types of composites

Vol. 13 – Number 49 – 2021 CLINICAL DENTISTRY NOTEBOOK Original article Page 100-105 Influence of bleaching agents with high peroxide concentration on the surface roughness of different types of composites Alex Correia Vieira¹ Mario Cezar Oliveira¹ Adriana Castro Vieira Andrade¹ Mariana Ferreira Leite² Polyana Pedreira Pimenta³ Alisson Reinan De Oliveira Carneiro³ Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the surface roughness of different types of composites after the application of two bleaching agents with high concentrations of peroxides. This study is an in vitro research that evaluated the microparticulate composite resin (Durafill, Heraeus-Kulzer), the microhybrid (Z250, 3M-ESPE), and nanohybrid composites (IPS Em- press Direct, Ivoclar Vivadent), that were submitted to the action of 40% hydrogen peroxide (Opalescence Boost PF, Ultradent) and 37% carbamide peroxide (Power Bleaching Office 37%, BM4), simulating in-office dental bleaching. For this, 90 samples were made, 30 for each composite, divided into 9 groups (n = 10): G1, G4, and G7 did not receive any bleaching treatment (control groups); G2, G5, and G8 treated with 40% hydrogen peroxide; and G3, G6, and G9 treated with 37% carbamide peroxide. Each sample was submitted to avaliation of the superficial roughness with a rugosimeter. The data were submitted to statistical analysis using ANOVA and Tukey Test at a level of significance of 1%. There were statistically significant differences (p<0.01) between the control groups and the experimental groups submitted to the use of both bleaching agents, for all composites. The microparticulate composite was the most affected material by the use of these peroxides. Thus, bleaching agents in high concentration were able to negatively affect, increasing the surface roughness value of the three types of composites tested, and care should be taken with their application on restorations made with these restorative materials. Descriptors: Tooth bleaching, hydrogen peroxide, carbamide peroxide, composite resins. ¹ Prof. Head of the Department of Health – Dental Prosthesis Area – UEFS. ² Assistant Professor of the Dentistry Course – UNIME. ³ Student of the Undergraduate Course in Dentistry – UEFS. DOI: 10.24077/2021;1349-100105

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