Immediate implants in infected alveoli – case report

Immediate implants in infected alveoli – case report

Vol. 10 – Number 40 – 2019 IMPLANT DENTISTRY NOTEBOOK Case report / Case report Page 36-43 Immediate implants in infected alveoli – case report Mylena Duim Moreno1 Glauco Velloso2 Telma Regina da Silva Aguiar3 Aldir Nascimento Machado4 Marina Prado Fernandes Pinheiro5 Artists of Rosa Pinheiro6 Summary To be the first option in a treatment plan, implant therapy must meet functional and esthetic requirements. The technique of installing immediate implants has been indicated due to the reduction of treatment time, which brings benefits to the patient. Before evaluating the viability of the implant, it is essential to know the indication for an adequate installation in an infected area. Areas of subacute periodontal infection, perio-endo infection, chronic periodontal infection, chronic periapical lesion and periodontal cyst should only receive immediate implants provided that pre-, post- and during the surgical procedure measures are taken. The present article reports a case of an immediate implant installation in an infected alveolus with the use of an autologous graft with 18 months of follow-up. Descriptors: Alveolus, dental implantation, clinical protocols.   1 Spectrum in Implantology – UFF, CD. 2 Dr. e Me. in Dentistry – UFF, Prof. Invited to the Specialization Course in Implant Dentistry – UFederal Fluminense. 3 Associate Professor of Periodontics – FOUFF. 4 Dr. in Dentistry – UFF, Adjunct Professor of the Specialization Course in Implant Dentistry – UFF. 5 Sp. in Implant Dentistry – UFF, CD. 6 Dr. e Me. in Dentistry – UFF, Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Implant Dentistry – UFF.

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