Calcium Hydroxyapatite for orofacial harmonization in the frontal region – literature review

Calcium Hydroxyapatite for orofacial harmonization in the frontal region – literature review

Vol. 3 – Number 11 – 2022 Review article Page 54-60 Calcium Hydroxyapatite for orofacial harmonization in the frontal region – literature review Julia Puppin Rontani¹ Pedro Carvalho Feitosa² Kelly Martins de Oliveira³ ABSTRACT Aging signs begin to appear due to decrease of collagen production, causing the skin to lose support, mechanical strength and elasticity, generating expression lines and static wrinkles. The frontal region that is responsible for the main part of the facial expression, is a highly innervated area and it is irrigated by very important vessels being susceptible to the formation of horizontal and vertical static lines, and also formation of depressions due to frontal bone resorption. This area is highly enervated and with important arteries, and also has a thin subcutaneous layer. This area is difficult to treat as subcutaneous tissue is thick and it is a region irrigated by important arteries prone to necrosis. The search for collagen stimulation with Calcium Hydroxyapatite, in order to delay the changes related to aging due to decrease of type I collagen production, stimulating the formation of endogenous collagen by fibroblasts and more long-lasting results is increasing. Calcium Hydroxyapatite is used for filling and promotes skin collagen type I formation, decreasing aging signs and presenting long-lasting results. So, the objective of the present paper is a literature review of the Calcium Hydroxyapatite use for collagen biostimulation and volumization of the frontal region. For the search of articles of this literature review in PubMed and SciELO databases the key words used were Calcium Hydroxyapatite, Collagen Biostimulators, Orofacial Harmonization. It was concluded that Calcium Hydroxyapatite use in the frontal region is indicated for collagen stimulation and volumization, but it requires a qualified operator that knows all the structures of the region where the product is injected and knows how to deal with the complications arising from this procedure. Descriptors: Calcium hidroxylapatite, collagen, skin regeneration, hyperdilution. ¹ CD, Dr. in Dental Materials. ² Dr. in Implant Dentistry, Specialty in Orofacial Harmonization, Specialty in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology. ³ Specialization in Orthodontics and Functional Orthopedics of the Jaws, Specialization in Orofacial Harmonization. DOI: 10.24077/2022;3113117

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