Correction of frontal inclination of the occlusal plane with the use of mini-implants

Correction of frontal inclination of the occlusal plane with the use of mini-implants

Vol. 16 – Number 61 – 2023 Case report Page 26-33 Correction of frontal inclination of the occlusal plane with the use of mini-implants Daniela Bezerra de Menezes Borba¹ Karina Freitas¹ Paula Patricia Cotrin Silva¹ Lilian Oliveira Pinheiro¹ Fernanda Rabelo Cunha¹ Fabrício Pinelli Valarelli¹ Abstract The objective of this study is to report a clinical case of 21-year-old female, hyperdivergent Class II patient with impaction of the maxillary left lateral incisor and a complaint of inclination of the occlusal plane in a frontal view of the smile. Orthodontic treatment was performed with a Roth prescription fixed appliance and alignment and leveling with NiTi wires. Upon reaching the rectangular wire, an interradicular mini-implant was inserted between the maxillary right lateral incisor and the maxillary right canine (teeth 12 and 13) as an anchorage for intrusive mechanics in this region. Also, during this phase, the extrusion of tooth 23 was performed to level the gingival margin in relation to the incisors. After 11 months, the inclination of the occlusal plane in a smiling frontal view was corrected and the finishing phase began. At the end of the treatment, tooth 23 was re-anatomized, transforming it into a lateral incisor, which resulted in an aesthetic and harmonious smile. Through this clinical case, it is concluded that the frontal inclination of the occlusal plane of dentoalveolar origin can be corrected with the help of skeletal anchorage in cases where there is good gingival exposure in the anterior region. Descriptors: Dental occlusion, Orthodontics, orthodontics anchorage procedures, tooth impacted. ¹ Orthodontics – Ingá University Center. DOI: 10.24077/2023;1661-02601150

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