Correction of lower overdenture basal extension: direct-indirect repair technique

Correction of lower overdenture basal extension: direct-indirect repair technique

Vol. 13 – Number 52 – 2022 NOTEBOOK OF CLINICAL DENTISTRY Prosthetic column Page 58-65 Correction of lower overdenture basal extension: direct-indirect repair technique Zuila Maria Lobato Wanghon¹ Isabela Reginaldo¹ Julia Jacoby Pasetto¹ Glaucia Santos Zimmermann² Analucia Gebler Philippi² Thais Marques Simek Vega Gonçalves² ABSTRACT The success of complete dentures is related to retention and stability. The correct coverage of the basal area is essential for the prosthesis to be functional and to improve comfort and efficiency during function. Poorly adapted or unstable prostheses can also overload the supporting tissues, in addition to being iatrogenic for implants and overdenture retention systems, which can lead to their early loss. In such case, temporary relining of the acrylic resin base can be performed. This procedure is performed by the dentist and aims to promote greater contact between the denture base and the edentulous ridge, temporarily increasing the retention and stability of the denture, until a new denture is made. The direct-indirect technique, detailed in this article, is very advantageous because, when performed on a plaster model, it does not cause discomfort to the patient. In addition, it can be performed in a single session, in the office itself, with materials common to clinical practice, without the need to send the work to the laboratory, which reduces the cost and presents immediate results to the patients. Descriptors: Overdenture, denture rebasing, dental materials. ¹ Undergraduate student in Dentistry at the Federal University of Santa Catarina ² Professor, Department of Dentistry, Federal University of Santa Catarina DOI: 0.24077/2022;1352PT0829

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