LEGAL DENTISTRY COLUMN – The difference between the course that offers the title of specialist compared to the short courses in the legal sphere

LEGAL DENTISTRY COLUMN – The difference between the course that offers the title of specialist compared to the short courses in the legal sphere

Vol. 13 – Number 51 – 2022


Page 6
The difference between the course that offers the title of specialist compared to the short courses in the legal sphere

Prof. Roberley Araújo Assad
– MSc PhD, Dental Surgeon CRO/PR-7497
– Graduation Professor and Coordinator of Post-Graduation in Orthodontics – Cescage/Ponta Grossa;
– Graduation Professor and Coordinator of Post-Graduation in Orthodontics – Faculdade Herrero/Curitiba;
– Post-graduation coordinator of Orthodontics, Soepar/Curitiba;
– Professor of Postgraduate Orthodontics – Ioa/Avantis/Curitiba – Joinville/SC;
– Graduating in Law – Dom Bosco/Curitiba;
– Scientific Reviewer of Orthoscience.

Technological modernity, the Pandemic factor, and the convenience of receiving information at home are just some of the factors that make the dental surgeon choose to work in a certain profitable area, looking for quick courses on meeting platforms on the internet, on social networks, or on recorded content available for sale. They undoubtedly promote learning for those students who are focused and have grown up in the digital world. Also for those who have adapted to this new modus vivendi and who even at a distance, are extremely obedient to the teachings of online teachers.

On the other hand, the traditional courses in any of the dental specialties are still in evidence, with attendance to patients, public defense of monograph and that at the end of it the student receives the title of specialist, because these courses, for a specific performance of the dental surgeon, require a greater depth and substantiation.

Complete column, available for download, click here.

DOI: 10.24077/2022;1351-OL622

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