Jaques column – Complex multidisciplinary rehabilitative management in the daily dental clinic

Jaques column – Complex multidisciplinary rehabilitative management in the daily dental clinic

Vol. 13 – Number 52 – 2022 Jaques column Page 18-23 Complex multidisciplinary rehabilitative management in the daily dental clinic Julia Helena Luiz¹ Jaques Luiz² Flavia Sukekava³ ABSTRACT Daily clinical practice presents several challenges, among them, patients with functional and esthetic complaints. Cases such as these should be solved by multidisciplinary teams. This case report aimed to report the importance of interdisciplinary planning to solve cases of complex rehabilitation involving aesthetic complaint. A normoreactive adult patient came to the clinic dissatisfied with his oral health and esthetics. Intra and extra oral imaging, cone beam CT scans, and periapical/panoramic radiographs were ordered to develop the treatment plan. Based on image analysis and clinical data, a joint plan was proposed with other specialties for a complete oral rehabilitation, which included: basic periodontal treatment; extractions of damaged teeth; composite resin restorations; endodontics; mock up for the upper anterosuperior teeth; gingivoplasty of the upper anterosuperior teeth; porcelain crowns and veneers on teeth; implants and zirconium crowns on implants. The team that treated the patient achieved the best results, with low patient morbidity, by means of adequate joint planning, associating technology with clinical knowledge. Thus, the clinical results obtained in this case suggest that the multidisciplinary approach tends to present a better result, effectively satisfying the patient’s complaint. Descriptors: Dental implants, lasers, gingivoplasty. ¹ CD, Esp. in Periodontics – Private Clinic – Curitiba/PR. ² Esp., Me. and Dr. in Implantology – Private Practice – Curitiba/PR. ³ Esp., Me. and Dr. in Periodontics – Private Practice – Curitiba/PR. DOI: 10.24077/2022;13522482287

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