MARKETING MANAGEMENT COLUMN – Price X Value: Would you buy what you’re selling?

MARKETING MANAGEMENT COLUMN – Price X Value: Would you buy what you’re selling?

Vol. 13 – Number 51 – 2022


Page 5
Price X Value: Would you buy what you’re selling?

Prof. Dr. Sandro Henrique Batista Santos
• Specialist in Orthodontics – Uningá/PR;
• Master in Dentistry / Orthodontics – Uningá/PR;
• Doctor in Dentistry / Dental Materials – UFPel/RS;
• Orthodontics Specialization Coordinator – BIONEP/PR;
• Professor Orthodontics – UNIPAR/PR and BIONEP/PR;
• Ideal Dental Clinic Manager Pelotas/RS;
• Minister Orthodontics and Business Management in Dentistry;
• 15 years of experience in Dentistry.

Hello my friends,

When making any type of purchase, we are willing to pay for a particular product or service, but until we reach the completion of commercial transactions, we go through several stages where several factors are analyzed, mainly the benefits, until we accept in consensus by the parties involved a “price”.

Here comes the first question, the price by definition is the amount of money that someone pays for a certain product or service, it is measurable, rational and quantitative. Value, on the other hand, can be defined as the set of objective and subjective benefits that the person receives in exchange for a certain “price” that he paid, value is qualitative.

Full column, available for download, click here.

DOI: 10.24077/2022;1351-GM522

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