Conventional double slot orthodontic bracket

Conventional double slot orthodontic bracket

Vol. 14 – Number 55 – 2021 Launch and technology Page 95-98 Conventional double slot orthodontic bracket Temístocles Uriarte Zucchi¹ Thaer Abdel Hamid¹ Chune Avruch Janovich¹ Abstract The evolution of Orthodontics, since its beginning, have had remarkable events such as the appearance of the Straight Wire Technique, the development of varied prescriptions, the use of slots with different dimensions, skeletal anchoring systems, tomography, among others. Despite this, the designs, and features that the brackets presented were always the same and limited. The history of great ideas is vast, but they needed to be united in one piece. This is what the authors of this article have done, when developing a new bracket design that features two central slots and each with different dimensions, one slot has dimensions of 0.018” X 0.030” and the other 0.022” X 0.028” with this a lot of possibilities are being opened. From now on, there is a work tool with several resources, which generates great benefits for professionals and patients and that is gaining more and more followers every day. Descriptors: Fixed orthodontic appliances, corrective Orthodontics, orthodontic brackets. ¹ Cteo Double Slot, Orthodontics – Porto Alegre/RS. DOI: 10.24077/2021;1455-9598

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