Evaluation of 28 sequential cases of maxillary sinus lift using synthetic hydroxyapatite(Osteogen®) – control of 24 months

Evaluation of 28 sequential cases of maxillary sinus lift using synthetic hydroxyapatite(Osteogen®) – control of 24 months

Vol. 11 – Number 42 – 2020 IMPLANTOLOGY NOTEBOOK Original article Page 52-57 Evaluation of 28 sequential cases of maxillary sinus lift using synthetic hydroxyapatite(Osteogen®) – control of 24 months Rafael Manfro1 Vinícius Fabris2 Gislaine Fernandes Felipe Garcia3 Gabriel Rodrigues Oliveira4 Jean Jesse Farias5 ABSTRACT The maxillary sinus lift technique is the main alternative for the treatment of posterior maxilla deficiencies. The objective of this study is to evaluate installed implants survival in maxillary sinus lift surgeries after 24 months of function. Twenty-eight maxillary sinus lift were performed using resorbable synthetic hydroxyapatite (Osteogen®) as filling material. In these reconstructions, 48 implants were installed, 23 at the time of reconstruction (Group 1) and 25 implants, 5 months after grafting (Group 2). The mean vertical bone increase was 8.01mm in Group 1 and 9.15mm in Group 2. After 24 months control, only one implant was lost in Group 2 and no one in Group 1. Installed implants survival index in maxillary sinus lift after 24 months of function was 97.91%. Descriptors: Dental implants, maxillary sinus, alveolar bone grafting. 1 Sp. in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology – UFSC, Master in Implant Dentistry UNISA- SP, Dr. in Implant Dentistry SL Mandic SP, Prof. of Advanced Surgery Course, CEO and ABO. 2 Sp. in Oral and Maxillofacial Ciodonto Surgery and Traumatology, Sp. in Implantodontics UNOESC. Master in Imaginology SL Mandic, Prof. of the Course of Sp. in Implantodontics ELOSUL. 3 Sp. in Implant Dentistry – Seobras, Master in Implant Dentistry SL Mandic, Prof. of the Advanced Surgery Course, CEO and ABO. 4 Sp. in Implant Dentistry – ELOSUL, Sp. in Prosthodontics – CEOM . 5 Graduated in Dentistry – UNISUL.  

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