Amalgam as a triggering factor of lichenoid lesion – case report

Amalgam as a triggering factor of lichenoid lesion – case report

Vol. 13 – Number 50 – 2022 NOTEBOOK OF CLINICAL DENTISTRY Case report Page 93-97 Amalgam as a triggering factor of lichenoid lesion – case report Eduardo Martins Nogueira¹ Myrian Salles Vieira¹ Antonio Jorge Araújo de Vasconcelos¹ Lioney Nobre Cabral¹ Abstract Amalgam is a metal alloy where one of the components is in liquid form. In Dentistry, this alloy is formed of silver (Ag), tin (Sn), mercury (Hg), in its majority, and is generally used in restorations of posterior teeth. In rare cases, the patient may present a type of allergy to the mercury present in amalgam, a condition called oral lichenoid reaction, which is a pathological alteration of immunological character determined through contact with an exogenous substance and that presents lesions of clinical and histopathological similarity to oral lichen planus, making its diagnosis difficult. The objective of this paper is to report the diagnosis of these oral lichenoid reactions, as well as their treatment. Descriptors: Dental amalgam, oral lichen planus, lichenoid eruptions. ¹ Stomatology Discipline – ESA/UEA. DOI: 10.24077/2022;13502424226

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