Accuracy of digital impression in removable partial dental – systematic review

Accuracy of digital impression in removable partial dental – systematic review

Vol. 13 – Number 51 – 2022 NOTEBOOK PLS Systematic review Page 136-143 Accuracy of digital impression in removable partial dental – systematic review Luiza Oliveira de Almeida¹ Viviane Figueiredo² Abstract Objective: The objective is to verify the accuracy of digital impression in removable partial dentures through a systematic literature review. Methodology: Search for articles took place in the BVS, PubMed, Cochrane Library and Science Direct, published in Portuguese and English, between 2016 and 2021. The search strategy used was ((“digital impression” and “ partially edentulous” OR “removable partial denture” ) OR (“removable partial denture frameworks”) OR (“CAD-CAM” AND “ACCURACY”)). The inclusion criteria in this review were studies with research articles in Vivo, in Vitro or in Silico, systematic review on digital impression in removable partial dentures. Exclusion criteria were studies on the digital flow in the construction of the structure in PPR, research on accuracy of digital impression in total dentures, implants and fixed dentures, narrative reviews of literature, clinical case, opinion articles. The complete data of the selected texts were extracted by the reviewers. Techniques were presented regarding the steps of making. Results: Three articles were selected for review. The digital impression with intraoral scanners showed higher veracity but lower accuracy compared to conventional impression. The all-digital method produced structures with a significantly better clinical fit than the conventional method and the analog-digital method. Conclusion: The present review observed that the results are conflicting regarding the precision and adjustments of the structure to the dental arch. The results found do not respond to the proposed objective and the guiding question, due to the great variability of analyzes in the selected articles, the supporting evidence is limited. Descriptors: Removable partial denture, dental impression technique, CAD-CAM. ¹ Undergraduate Student in Dentistry, Federal University of Pernambuco ² PhD in Dental Prosthesis, Adjunct Professor, Department of Prosthesis and Oral and Facial Surgery, Federal University of Pernambuco, UFPE DOI: 10.24077/2022;135102502

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