How-to Column – Usefulness of free software for three-dimensional visualization of impacted tooth extracted from CBCT

How-to Column – Usefulness of free software for three-dimensional visualization of impacted tooth extracted from CBCT

Vol. 15 – Number 57 – 2022 How-to Column Page 6-14 Usefulness of free software for three-dimensional visualization of impacted tooth extracted from CBCT David Silveira Alencar1 Caroline Pelágio Maués Casagrande2 Diego Junior da Silva Santos3 Jonas Capelli Junior4 José Augusto Mendes Miguel5 Abstract Not long ago, two-dimensional (2D) images were routinely used for orthodontic […]

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Column Point of View – How to distalize the upper first permanent molar in the mixed dentition anchored on a palatal dysjunction appliance?

Column Point of View – How to distalize the upper first permanent molar in the mixed dentition anchored on a palatal dysjunction appliance?

Vol. 15 – Number 57 – 2022 Column Point of View Page 15-18 How to distalize the upper first permanent molar in the mixed dentition anchored on a palatal dysjunction appliance? Ivan Toshio Maruo1 Armando Yukio Saga1 Ivan Pedro Taffarel2 Mohamad Jamal Bark3 Orlando Tanaka4 Introduction Interceptive orthodontic procedures, when correctly indicated, can have a […]

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Anterior open bite interception in mixed dentition – case report

Anterior open bite interception in mixed dentition – case report

Vol. 15 – Number 57 – 2022 Case report Page 28-37 Anterior open bite interception in mixed dentition – case report Breno Vasconcelos Nogueira¹ Isabella Diniz Schier1 Nicole Speranceta1 Stéffany dos Anjos Francisco2 Julia Carelli3 Francielle Topolski4 Alexandre Moro5 Abstract The anterior open bite (AOB) deserves unique attention as in addition to being the most […]

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Skeletal anterior open bite treatment with extractions of four premolars

Skeletal anterior open bite treatment with extractions of four premolars

Vol. 15 – Number 57 – 2022 Case report Page 39-46 Skeletal anterior open bite treatment with extractions of four premolars Rodrigo Hitoshi Higa¹ Fabrício Pinelli Valarelli² Jheny Cecilia Arévalo Castro¹ Michelle Garbulho da Silva Marques³ Roberto Henrique da Costa Grec¹ Abstract Open bite malocclusion in adult individuals is challenging for the orthodontist, who has […]

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Top anchor retraction with mini-implant use – case report

Top anchor retraction with mini-implant use – case report

Vol. 15 – Number 57 – 2022 Case report Page 47-54 Top anchor retraction with mini-implant use – case report Maria Fernanda Carvalho Lopes Silva¹ Márcia Maria de Araújo¹ Diego dos Santos Dias¹ Claudiana Donato Bauman² José Mansano Bauman¹ Teago José Tomaz de Aquino¹ Abstract Biprotrusion is very common in the orthodontic clinic. Most of […]

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Molar uprighting using Double Slot brackets – case report

Molar uprighting using Double Slot brackets – case report

Vol. 15 – Number 57 – 2022 Case report Page 56-60 Molar uprighting using Double Slot brackets – case report Luciana Flores1 Temístocles Uriarte Zucchi2 Chune Avruch Janovich3 Thaer Abdel Hamid4 Flavia Fagundes Pereira5 Abstract Patients seek orthodontic treatment not only for aesthetics, but also for functional reasons. The loss of a posterior tooth leads […]

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Dental traumatism of upper incisors in patients of UFRJ Orthodontic Clinic: prevalence and dentofacial predisposing factors

Dental traumatism of upper incisors in patients of UFRJ Orthodontic Clinic: prevalence and dentofacial predisposing factors

Vol. 15 – Number 57 – 2022 Original article Page 72-78 Dental traumatism of upper incisors in patients of UFRJ Orthodontic Clinic: prevalence and dentofacial predisposing factors Beatriz Adelle Gomes Santos¹ Lílian Siqueira Lima¹ Carolina Ribeiro Starling¹ Flávio Mendonça Copello¹ Matheus Melo Pithon¹ Eduardo Franzotti Sant’Anna¹ Abstract Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of dental trauma […]

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Prevalence of ponticulus posticus associated with different facial biotypes in patients seeking orthodontic treatment

Prevalence of ponticulus posticus associated with different facial biotypes in patients seeking orthodontic treatment

Vol. 15 – Number 57 – 2022 Original article Page 80-86 Prevalence of ponticulus posticus associated with different facial biotypes in patients seeking orthodontic treatment Cesar Augusto Rodenbusch Poletto¹ Maguidieli Dallabrida¹ Bubbacar Embaló¹ Roberta Gevaerd¹ Andrei Figueiredo Ribeiro¹ Ana Lurdes Conte¹ Abstract Ponticus Posticus (PP) means “small posterior bridge” in Latin. It is defined as […]

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