Use of poly-L-lactic acid for facial rejuvenation – case report

Use of poly-L-lactic acid for facial rejuvenation – case report

Vol. 4 – Number 13 – 2022 Case report Page 8-19 Use of poly-L-lactic acid for facial rejuvenation – case report Monique Damazzini1 Sidmarcio Ziroldo2 Pedro Ivo Polak Júnior3 Ana Paula de Freitas Farias Silva4 Morgana Martins Setubal4 ABSTRACT The treatment of facial aging remains a challenge, but the increase in knowledge of the anatomical changes that occur with age and the improvement of those for rejuvenation in order to achieve aesthetic results in a minimally invasive way. Currently, as among several treatment or rejuvenation options, collagen biostimulators have gained popularity in the market for having a natural and proven effect. The objective is to present a review of the review and case report on poly-L-c acid for facial rejuvenating acid, its suggestions, presented injection techniques, expected results and possible adverse effects. Descriptors: Collagen biostimulator, collagen, aging, poly-L-lactic acid, Elleva. 1 Graduate student in Orofacial Harmonization – UNIFAZ-PR. 2 Prof. Holder – UNIFAZ-PR, Me. in Orthodontics, Esp. in Oral and Maxillofacial, Orofacial Harmonization and Implant Dentistry. 3 Full Professor – UNIFAZ-PR, Me. in Dentistry, Esp. in Orofacial Harmonization and Implant Dentistry. 4 Prof. Holder – UNIFAZ-PR, Specialist in Orofacial Harmonization and Orthodontics. DOI: 10.24077/2022;4133173

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