Dental treatment in patients with imperfect amelogenesis – an integrative review

Dental treatment in patients with imperfect amelogenesis – an integrative review

Vol. 13 – Number 52 – 2022 NOTEBOOK OF CLINICAL DENTISTRY Review article Page 137-143 Dental treatment in patients with imperfect amelogenesis – an integrative review Adriana Villavicencio¹ Ana Paula Gebert de Oliveira Franco¹ Patrícia Vida Cassi Bettega¹ Patrícia Tolentino da Rosa de Souza¹ ABSTRACT The imperfect amelogenesis is a dental anomaly that affects the structure of the dental enamel, the aesthetics, the function, and the psychological aspect of the individual. Clinically it compromises the aesthetics of the smile, presenting as whitish stains and grooves, as well as other changes in the structure of the enamel. According to the degree of severity of this anomaly, there are treatment protocols such as direct and indirect restorations, such as veneers, crowns, and other treatment methods. This study aimed to evaluate the different dental treatments that exist for imperfecta amelogenesis, analyzing the longevity and effectiveness of each treatment, according to the literature. The Pubmed database (MEDLINE) was consulted using the crossing of the descriptors: amelogenesis imperfecta AND treatment. For the search for studies, the inclusion criteria were recent articles from 2015, prospective studies with patients with imperfect amelogenesis, and their respective treatments. The literature recommends the use of composite restorations and veneers for anterior teeth and composite restorations and steel crowns for posterior teeth of underage patients, and ceramic veneers and crowns for adults. It was concluded that, among the treatments indicated, the literature shows that the ceramic materials showed greater longevity, however, the age factor of the patient must be considered for their indication. Descriptors: Amelogenesis imperfecta, dental care, permanent dental restoration, temporary dental restoration. ¹ Department of Restorative Dentistry – Graduation Course in Dentistry – Faculdade Herrero. DOI: 10.24077/2022;13522334155

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