Microinvasive treatment of hypomineralization lesion – case report

Microinvasive treatment of hypomineralization lesion – case report

Vol. 13 – Number 51 – 2022 NOTEBOOK PLS Sakamoto Column Page 124-130 Microinvasive treatment of hypomineralization lesion – case report Jessica Tiemi Ribeiro Ishii1 Patrícia Ferronato Araújo2 Ana Paula Ribeiro do Vale Pedreira3 Leonardo Fernandes da Cunha4 Antonio Setsuo Sakamoto Junior5 Fernanda Cristina Pimentel Garcia4 Abstract Enamel developmental defects (DDEs) can cause clinical and aesthetic discomfort to patients. The choice of treatment depends on the type and severity of the defect. The objective of this work was to present a micro-invasive treatment option for a type of DDE. This report addresses a 14-year-old patient with a complaint about the color of her teeth. Mainly in element 11, which had a white, smooth, and opaque spot in its middle third. Upon clinical and radiographic examination, Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH) was diagnosed. Because of her age, micro-invasive treatments such as tooth whitening and the application of resin infiltrant (ICON – DMG) were proposed. Initially, an in-office bleaching session (35% hydrogen peroxide) was performed followed by home bleaching (10% carbamide peroxide) for 3 weeks. The initial color was found using the Vita scale, was close to A2 and the result obtained after bleaching was close to B1. Two weeks after the bleaching process, the resin infiltrant was applied to mask the stain. The results obtained were highly satisfactory. Resin infiltration to mask DDE is a minimally invasive and immediate approach that can mask diffuse opacities improving esthetics. Descriptors: Dental enamel, dental caries, composite resins, treatment. 1 Graduated in Dentistry – UnB. 2 Graduated in Dentistry – UFPR, Esp. in Restorative Dentistry –ILAPEO, Me. in Dentistry – UnB. 3 Spec. in Dental Prosthesis – HRAC/ USP, Master’s in Oral Rehabilitation – FOB/USP, Doctorate in Health Sciences – UnB. 4 Prof. of the Postgraduate Program in Dentistry – UnB. 5 Master and Dr. in Restorative Dentistry – UEPG, Prof. from the Specialization Course in Dentistry – ILAPEO, Prof. of Operative Dentistry – UNIDOMBOSCO. DOI: 10.24077/2022;1351220614

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