Endodontic and aesthetic treatment of calcified teeth – case reports

Endodontic and aesthetic treatment of calcified teeth – case reports

Vol. 14 – Number 53 – 2022 NOTEBOOK OF CLINICAL DENTISTRY Case report Page 91-100 Endodontic and aesthetic treatment of calcified teeth – case reports Micaela Nunes Goes1 Evaldo de Almeida Rodrigues2 Joana Dourado Martins Cerqueira3 Adriana de Araujo Lee4 ABSTRACT The pulp commitment can cause changes in tooth color, especially in teeth that have been traumatized. In these cases, it is common for the patient to seek professional intervention to perform aesthetic procedures. Faced with this demand, bleaching techniques capable of restoring color and maintaining tooth structure were developed. The aim of this study was to report two cases of calcified teeth that were treated with endodontics and internal whitening using the power bleaching and walking bleach techniques, in addition to discussing relevant aspects in the construction of clinical planning such as the etiology of darkening, color recurrence, and the risk of external cervical resorption. Patients were re-evaluated seven months after completion of bleaching treatment. Maintenance of the obtained color and clinical and radiographic absence of tooth resorption were observed. The whitening of devitalized teeth is a viable treatment, because through the correct diagnosis, indication, execution, and follow-up of the case, it is possible to count on the maintenance of positive results in the long term. Descriptors: Endodontics, esthetics, toothbleaching. 1 Graduated in Dentistry – UEFS, Esp. in Endodontics – Advance School of Dentistry. 2 Prof. Deputy – UEFS, Coord. of Endodontics – Advance School of Dentistry, Dr. in Dentistry – UFF. 3 Esp. in Endodontics – Cebeo, Me. in Collective Health – UEFS, Professor of Dentistry – UEFS. 4 Graduated in Dentistry – UEFS. DOI: 10.24077/2022;13522438241

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