Facial arc intake and semi-adjustable articulator assembly for oclusal diagnosis – case report

Facial arc intake and semi-adjustable articulator assembly for oclusal diagnosis – case report

Vol. 13 – Number 49 – 2021 NOTEBOOK PLS Case report Page 125-134 Facial arc intake and semi-adjustable articulator assembly for oclusal diagnosis – case report Andressa Cristina da Silva Queiroz¹ Robson de Lima Gomes¹ Gregorio Marcio de Figueiredo Rodrigues² Viviane Maria Gonçalves De Figueiredo³ Abstract Objective: It consists of reporting a clinical case of taking a facial arch and assembling a semi-adjustable articulator (ASA) for occlusal diagnosis. Case report: A 22-year-old female patient sought dental care because she was sensitive to element 24. It was clinically observed that the patient had a non-carious cervical lesion. The patient showed a physiological occlusion and an unfavorable positioning of elements 22 and 23. Thus, an attempt was made to investigate the presence of abrasive and erosive habits, which were not reported by the patient. Thus, a clinical evaluation and model assembly in ASA was conducted to identify possible occlusal interference, which would be triggering such injury. The following figures report the clinical case, occlusal registration, taking the facial arch itself, removing the facial arch, angulation adjustments in the ASA, mounting the upper and lower model in the position of maximum usual intercuspation. Conclusion: The use of the semi-adjustable articulator and the facial arch contributed to the diagnosis, planning and treatment of the case. Therefore, these instruments must be part of the dental surgeon’s clinical practice in order to offer greater predictability during oral rehabilitation. Descriptors: Dental occlusion, diagnosis,tooth erosion. ¹ Undergraduate Student in Dentistry – UFPE. ² M. in Dentistry – UFPB. ³ Dr. in Dental Prosthesis, Prof. th Deputy – UFPE. DOI: 10.24077/2021;1349-125134

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