Sex or gender? Understanding the correct nomenclature use on research

Sex or gender? Understanding the correct nomenclature use on research

Vol. 15 – Number 60 – 2022 Na Visão D’elas Page 88-97 Sex or gender? Understanding the correct nomenclature use on research Cátia Cardoso Abdo Quintão1 Luísa Schubach da Costa Barreto2 Verônica Santos Conde3 Fabiane Azeredo4 Luciane Macedo de Menezes5 Abstract The terms “Sex” and “Gender” are important in the scientific area, specifically in the health area. It is still observed the incorrect use of the terms Sex and Gender, even as synonyms. This systematic literature review aims to address and discuss the use of the terms “Sex” and “Gender” in scientific research in the health area. Medline/Pubmed, Google Scholar, DOSS/EBSCO, BVS/BBO/LILACS databases were consulted in 2022. The search strategy included MeSH terms: “Sex, Sexuality”; “Gender, Gender Analysis, Gender Identity”; “Male, Man”; and “Female, Woman”. The PECO criteria was articulated to identify articles that defined the terms “Sex” and “Gender”. A total of 933 articles were retrieved in 2022, of which 15 were included in the qualitative synthesis of results in the areas of Medicine, Dentistry, Psychology, Sociology, Nursing, and Economic Sciences, between 1993 and 2021. There was a tendency to use “Sex” in the orthodox context exclusive to sexual characteristics arising from human biology. Meanwhile, “Gender” corresponded to the individual personification of how the research participant would like to declare himself /herself to the study. The use of the term “Sex” is associated to the human biology (male or female), that is, related to sexual characteristics. The term “Gender” refers to self-perception, social role, behavior, and to the person identity. Thus, studies involving biological factors (morphological, chronological, physical growth and development) should consider Sex, while studies of another nature should consider Gender. Descriptors: Sex, gender identity, terminology, male, female. 1 Professor of Orthodontics – UERJ. 2 PhD student in Dentistry (Orthodontics) – UERJ, Substitute Professor of Orthodontics – UFRJ. 3 MSc in Dentistry (Orthodontics) – UERJ. 4 Postdoctoral fellow, Discipline of Orthodontics – PUC-RS. 5 Full Professor, Discipline of Orthodontics – School of Health and Life Sciences – PUCRS. DOI: 10.24077/2022;1560-01885467

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