Bone repair in dental implant

Bone repair in dental implant

Vol. 12 – Number 45 – 2020 IMPLANT DENTAL NOTEBOOK Review article Page 63-66 Bone repair in dental implant Halim Nagem Filho1 Reinaldo Francisco Maia2 Reinaldo Missaka3 Nasser Hussein Fares4 Abstract The osseointegration is the stable and functional union between the bone and a titanium surface. A new bone can be found on the surface of the implant about 1 week after its installation; the bone remodeling begins between 6 and 12 weeks and continues throughout life. After the implant insertion, depending on the energy of the surface, the plasma fluid immediately adheres, in close contact with the surface, promoting the adsorption of proteins and inducing the indirect interaction of the cells with the material. Macrophages are cells found in the tissues and originated from bone marrow monocytes. The M1 macrophages orchestrate the phagocytic phase in the inflammatory region and also produce inflammatory cytokines involved with the chronic inflammation and the cleaning of the wound and damaged tissues from bacteria. On the other hand, alternative-activated macrophages (M2) are activated by IL-10, the immune complex. Its main function consists on regulating negatively the inflammation through the secretion of the immunosuppressant IL-10. The M2 macrophages present involvement with the immunosuppression, besides having a low capacity for presenting antigens and high production of cytokines; these can be further divided into M2a, M2b, and M2c, based on the gene expression profile. Descriptors: Bone remodeling, osseointegration, peri-implant, cicatrization, titanium, dental implant. 1 Holder of Dental Materials – FOB-USP. 2 Esp. in Implants – ABCD-DF, President of ABCD-DF. 3 PhD in Dental Prosthesis – FOUSP, Specialist in Temporomandibular Disorders and Facial Pain – CFO. 4 Master in Materials – FOB-USP, President of ABCD-MT.

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