Surgical removal of supranumerary impacted maxillary tooth

Surgical removal of supranumerary impacted maxillary tooth

Vol. 13 – Number 52 – 2022 IMPLANT DENTISTRY NOTEBOOK Case report Page 44-50 Surgical removal of supranumerary impacted maxillary tooth Felipe Cesar Martareli¹ Victor Paes Dias Gonçalves² Samuel Gomes da Silva Teles³ ABSTRACT The techniques applied to extractions, especially in impacted teeth, are diverse and can confuse the dentist as to which would be the most suitable. The factors that justify the choice for this procedure are related to the diversity of instruments and techniques and the affinity and knowledge of the dentist, in addition to the association of the technique with the complexity of each case. Therefore, the present work aims to report a surgical approach in an 18-year-old male patient, with the presence of an impacted supernumerary tooth with proximity to the root apices of teeth 12 and 13, performing extraction of the supernumerary element and excisional biopsy of the lesion. It was concluded that, for cases of impacted supernumerary, there is the impossibility of using the element, such as the absence of space, and the formation of cysts and tumors, opting for extraction to facilitate orthodontic treatment and maintain periodontal health and occlusal harmony of adjacent teeth. Descriptors: Oral surgery, supranumerary tooth, maxilla. ¹ Spec. in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology – SL Mandic. ² Master’s Student in Implantology – SL Mandic, Esp. in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology – SL Mandic. ³ Resident in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology – UNIFLU. DOI: 10.24077/2022;13522445248

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