Relationship of the cortical bone thickness of the infrazigomatic and buccal shelf crest in different types of facial patterns

Relationship of the cortical bone thickness of the infrazigomatic and buccal shelf crest in different types of facial patterns

Vol. 16 – Number 63 – 2023 Original article Page 85-91 Relationship of the cortical bone thickness of the infrazigomatic and buccal shelf crest in different types of facial patterns Hibernon Lopes Filho1 Dayanne Hillary Azevedo de Carvalho2 Danila Bezerra de Moura2 Samara Simões Padilha3 Daniel Paludo Brunetto5 Abstract The infrazygomatic crest and buccal shelf have a greater amount of cortical bone, which favors the installation of mini-implants, reducing the risk of accidents as well as the greater chances of primary stability. This study aims to analyze bone thickness in the region of the infrazygomatic crest and buccal shelf in different types of facial patterns by means of conical beam computed tomography, in order to verify the presence of corticalized bone in these regions for insertion of mini-implants. The convenience sample consisted of 24 CT scans, divided into three groups: dolichofacial (G1), mesofacial (G2), and brachyfacial (G3), which were measured in the ImplantViewer 3 solfware. The study involved two variants: vertical growth and thickness of the cortical bone in the infrazygomatic ridge and buccal shelf area. 30% of the sample were used to perform the reproducibility calculation and afterwards the entire sample was submitted to analysis of variance, following Tukey HSD post-hoc test. There was no interference of the facial pattern for the infrazygomatic ridge, however, there was a statistical difference between the brachyphacal and dolicofacial groups, as well as between the brachyfacial and mesofacial groups with respect to buccal shelf, in which brachyfacial individuals showed greater thickness, followed by mesofacial ones and dolichofacials. It was concluded that individuals belonging to the brachyfacial group presented greater thickness in the buccal shelf region when compared to the others, and all groups presented sufficient thickness for the safe installation of the mini-implants. Descriptors: Subperiosteal dental implantation, Orthodontics, cone-beam computed tomography. 1 Doctor in Orthodontics – UNIT/ Afya. 2 Dentistry Student – ​​UMIT/ Afya. 3 Postgraduate student in Orthodontics – UNIT/ Afya. 5 Postgraduate Professor – UFPR. DOI: 10.24077/2023;1662-01987126

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